Right on!
Linda Starr

From: "John Lyles" <>
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:42 PM
To: <>
Subject: SPAM:[NMCAVER] WNS and what to do when it reaches NM

Be prepared! Learn a new pastime besides caving: something on the surface, boating, knitting, skiing, hiking, backpacking, ham radio, writing, traveling, cooking, drinking. Just think, you'll be able to save up vacation while working again! WNS will get here, bats aren't going to stop at state borders. Meanwhile, as my old grotto Commander Cody Caving Club sez, "Cave 'til you Puke"!

Cavers can continue to help by continuing to decon between caving regions and especially known bat caves,
not disturbing hibernating bats, and reporting any unusual bats to their local FWS. In general, bats out west are even less studied than bats out east. If you know of a significant hibernaculum, make sure it is protected (tell your friends not to go there in winter), and monitored. We are more spread out here out west, so knowledge of hibernating bats may not be as well communicated.

keep your hopes up, Jennifer

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