Saturday evening we finally got the new stove working.     It took 4
cavers to figure it out.

A group of people started cooking things outdoors on it, and on a Coleman stove.

My mother-in-law cooked rice.   Somebody roasted corn over the
campfire.   I didn't get one, but they said it was
delicious.    We had over a gallon of cold applesauce served, but it
got thrown away.   My wife and her friends that
she invited grilled the taco meat ( in a skillet over the burner, I think ).

2 buffet tables were covered in white table cloth with a flower
arrangement.    An antique crystal vase made in
Germany contained a cluster of black-eyed susan's picked along Happy
Hollow Road by 3 young girls at the
camp:  Dalena ( Cavepearl ), Maya, and Cayenne.

There was desert, and various food items set out.    Food was also
passed around.

Tacos were served, along with grilled squash.   The green squash, I
purchased along the side of the road from
a nearby farmer, who also sold to me the blackberries and the
watermelon, and a big tomato.

I had a gallon can of cold apricots in a elegant glass bowl, which
also did not get eaten and was thrown away.

The idea was to make the tables at this event as formal as possible,
and that is what I wish to do at this
event in the coming years.    The glasses at the table where the ones
from our wedding, and was only the
2nd time they had ever been used.     I had enough large
stainless-steel plates for anybody that wanted

In the fridge I had a gallon can each of peaches, fruit cocktail,
mandarin oranges that never got opened,
along with a gallon of cold apple juice and a gallon of cold cranberry juice.

Outside in a big ice-chest I had sodas, and a variety of canned
tropical juices.   Also, red wine was served.

Several prominent cavers showed up just in time for dinner, but one
had to leave before the food was

( About $ 100 worth of canned vegetables never left the storage unit. )

The weather was nice, and about 40 people ate.

Most attendees had to skadoodle right after eating, as we ate around 8 p.m.

Several others socialized into the night, and then went home late.

Meanwhile, I set up camp for a new person named Claudette who brought
her 6 year old daughter.
She was a non-caver and an internet stranger that I invited to the
event.    I rolled out the red carpet as best
I could to make her feel welcome.   Not sure yet if that was a good
idea, but I had good intentions.
My doing that royally p*ss*d off my wife.     My wife went completely
psycho on me, once we were away from
everybody.    My wife is "regiomontana."   They are world famous for
being "codo," which in English means stingy.
I think everyone there saw Claudette's daughter and my daughter having
fun playing in the hammock with another
girl and singing camp songs.   ( I was concerned my daughter would be
bored at the camp alone, and I didn't
know the other girl was coming, so I took a big chance and invited
Claudette.)      It is also a known
fact, that "latinas," react more violently when jealous than other
women, and my wife was over-reacting about that.

I spent most of the midnite hour in the pool, and that was the best
experience I have had since being with
the naked Russian girls in the hot-tub at ICS, except without the
girls part.

Life has been all stress ever since then, and it was great to relax
and sense the warm fuzzy feeling of
accomplishing something that was important to me.

I spent the night in my hammock.   No problem with mosquitos, but
there were ants all over the ground.

To be continued.....

David Locklear

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