
Be very careful before casting aspersions on "anoxic extremophiles", unless you wish to disassociate yourself from a significant portion of the caving community. :-P


Mixon Bill wrote:
Those sinkholes that Atkinson posted an article about are near Alpina, Michigan, where there was an NSS convention in 1977. There are sinkholes on shore in that vicinity, too, as well as other manifestations of karst. One of them, I think called Bottleneck Sinkhole, contains the highest waterfall in Michigan. I visited it when I still lived in Chicago.

I think it may be stretching the point to call bacteria found in an environment that is merely anoxic "extremophiles," but extremophiles are all the rage these days and I suppose it's not surprising that people jump on the bandwagon. Some people call the bacteria they find in caves extremophiles, even though they're in an environment friendly even to people (well, caver people). -- Mixon
All the world�s a stage, but the play is badly cast.

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