On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Fofo <gonza...@msu.edu> wrote:

> Ä„Hola!
> This is a report from Antonio Aguirre...:

> There is an alternate exit from the cave, through some badly deteriorated
> metal stairs. A group was going up these when a metal bar fell on a person's
> head and he had to be helped by his friends, who guided him through the
> normal exit.
> It is worth noting that a lot of non-cavers visit this cave and the
> majority of them use the stairs to exit. This part of the cave has a lot of
> damage, some steps are missing in the stairs, they are very rusty, etc.

It's a little bit late but I'd like to point out that the word for stairs
and ladders is the same in Spanish--escalaras. The stairs reported in the
above text refers to a ladder, not stairs. It's a really dangerous, poorly
constructed, ergonomically doubtful (rungs too far apart) fixed ladder that
they often have elementary school field trips to where the kids climb up and
down the ladders totally without belays or other backup. I love that sort of
freedom. The United States misses a lot by protecting people from their own
stupidity--creating barriers to learning common sense and  practical

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