Don't be too negative about the Indians, their English isn't the best but they are trying to do good, and that should be rewarded. Besides, they have some useful concepts. In the section on Kotumsar Cave they introduce the idea of "anthropogenic pressure." Anthropogenic pressure is reducing the biodiversity. This term should replace carrying capacity as it sounds more serious and much more scientific. We in Texas could work with this idea, and make it even better. First we need units so we can measure the anthropogenic pressure. Let us define one Mixon as the pressure [impact] produced by one person visiting the cave and acting on one sq. m of the cave footprint each year. Anthropogenic pressure has units of people/year/sq meter. We can evaluate Texas caves and see what we find. We might find that caves over, say 5 Mixons are environmentally hopeless and might as well be abandoned. Bill Russell

William Hart Russell
4806 Red River Street
Austin, TX  78751
H: 512-453-4774 (messages)
CELL:  512-940-8336

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