Howdy yonder cavers,

I have an inquiry that I wish to pull from your collective knowledge. I would like to know what the best system for in-cave sketching using a hand-held device. One that allows you to input the survey points and sketch over top of the line plots (plan and profile) and essentially create a quasi finalized digital map while in the cave. A quick internet search reveals the freeware Auriga coupled with a palm pilot. Has anyone used this system? Have any review or critiques to offer? Is there a better system or software that you would suggest?

Or are systems like these simply not very popular because they don't necessarily work as well as the old method of sketching on paper and digitizing it later?

If anyone has any experience with this sort of thing or know of someone who uses these systems, please let me know. Thank you!

Travis Scott
979.450.0103 Cell

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