Good luck with it, holler if I can help in anyway.  I'm sorry my
software wasn't easily compatible.


On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:33 PM, Bill Bentley <> wrote:
> Greetings Cavers,
>         Along about Feb 5th through the 9th, 2010 The company who I have had
> hosting my web site for the last few years started having some issues with
> the mailing list of which I provide 5 to the caving community for the use by
> cavers for cavers. While it has run pretty much trouble free since I signed
> up a few years ago, I guess I was lucky that there were not more problems
> sooner. Anyways after giving them ample time to correct the problems with
> the mailing lists rejecting messages, it became obvious after over a week of
> it working very very sporadically and certainly not very reliably that it
> was hopeless and the technical support was inept. Yesterday after my final
> communication with their tech support who have still not got back to me as
> of this writing, I decided to look elsewhere for a new web hosting service.
> I found one and set everything up and initiated the DNS transfers at 1PM
> local time. I have started uploading the web pages and have completely
> rebuilt the mailing lists practically from scratch.... Needless to say I
> will work through out the night to get everything back like it was. The
> archives which dated back several years are lost forever and that is a
> shame, I have them archived in a 4 GB zipped file and they may be
> salvageable, but I probably won't fool with it.
> I am sorry this happened and I hope the down time was not too big of an
> inconvenience for anyone.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> _______________________________________________
> PBSS mailing list

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