The question has come up before: "Why should I join the TSA?" The statement
has been made: "If it weren't for The TEXAS CAVER there would be no reason
for me to be a TSA member." Both questions are destined to be asked
again--and fairly soon, I think.

Yet way before publication of The TEXAS CAVER was taken over by the TSA a
couple of hundred Texas cavers were quite enthusiastic about joining--with
no real material premiums being offered. What made them do it? What was the
attraction of the TSA in their lives to make them fork over hard cash for
absolutely nothing they could hold in their grubby, muddy hands? What is it
that would make you do so?

Was it just the camaraderie of sharing a social link with other cavers? Was
it the sense of responsibility to the caver community to share and help
solve common problems--problems of educating you and other cavers about
proper landowner relations, of safety considerations, of learning or
improved methods of cave surveying, of learning about new caving equipment
or techniques, of taking and sharing photographs with other cavers, to find
out about new caves to explore, to create a list of cavers to go caving
with, to attend projects, to have an audience for telling one's caving
adventures around a campfire, to attend the convention to hear talks about
caves and caving gear and cave science or get laid, or just a desire to be a
joiner? What was the Texas Region and later the TSA providing to cavers that
lead them to join the TSA without a hard copy of anything other than a
membership list? In order to try to get to the heart of that matter, I want
to ask Texas cavers to answer that question themselves--and send me and the
TSA Chairman your responses.

Why are you a TSA member? Or, why are you not? What, beside The TEXAS CAVER,
does the TSA provide for you  in the way of  goods and services and warm
fuzzies and how might it make caving better for you--or worse, or not at
all. Let's have some information--brief or in detail. We're sensitive to
your emotions about TSA and Texas caving as well, so please include
information about your feelings.

The time will come, soon I hope, when the TSA will need to answer the
questions, "Why should I join the TSA?" and "What has my membership in the
TSA got to offer me as a caver?" Hopefully a long list of reasons to join
the TSA will be generated by this request and it can be handed to those who
want to know, or explained in person. What would you tell a new caver who
asked you those questions? Remember, The TEXAS CAVER should not be
considered an option in this poll.

Along the same lines it would be good to know the reasons that several of
you haven't joined or don't want to join the TSA. If that were known perhaps
something could be done to address those shortcomings and make the TSA more
attractive. Or, what would you like to see the TSA offer or undertake that
it is not doing now?

As a current non-member I would like for you as a member to convince me to
join again--sell me on the TSA and its merits and its benefits to members.
Or, you can tell me why I shouldn't. I want to know. Please take the time
over the next couple of holiday weeks (I'll be in Mexico caving) to send me
your reasons--for or against joining the TSA. It's information that could be
valuable to the future of Texas caving.

And while you're at it be sure to cc: Mark
so he can have the information for future use by the TSA and the Texas caver
recruiting program which I'm sure they will be interested in starting.

I'll compile your answers and see if the pros outweigh the cons and hope to
see you at the convention and renew my membership and write up a summary for
The TEXAS CAVER to publish and all the cavers of Texas to see.

Thanks in advance for your help and enthusiasm,

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