Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time, and annoys the pig.

Happy Holidays!

Don's iPhone.

On Dec 25, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Don Cooper <> wrote:

Man - on the first article Jerry posted, there were several 'comments' from the general public about the new story... Is the 'rest of Texas' really so eaten up with ignorance, intolerance and thinly veiled racism!?!? I found it hard to believe that nearly every response to the story was crap like "Obamination.." and "if stupid hippies get their way"... I guess it's up to the "enlightened" to educate - but how do you teach 'Bubba' the importance of land stewardship.....
How do you teach a pig to play a piano?


On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 12:51 AM, <> wrote:
Note: The following has an obvious political message but the details of the Federal decision are there.

Reversing Bush Political Corruption, Feds Agree to Increase Critical Habitat Protection
for 12 Texas Endangered Species

AUSTIN, Texas— In response to a lawsuit from the Center for Biologic al Diversity, Citizen’s Alliance for Smart Expansion, and Aquifer Gu ardians in Urban Areas, the Obama administration agreed late Friday to reconsider critical habitat designation for 12 endangered Texas i nvertebrates, including three species from Comal Springs and nine sp ecies from caves in Bexar County. With colorful names like the robbe r baron Cave harvestman, vesper cave spider, and Comal Springs riffl e beetle, these 12 species are immediately threatened by excessive w ater withdrawal and urban sprawl. Today’s announcement reverses previous critical habitats, designated by the Bush administration, that failed to include areas deemed by scientists to be essential to the survival of the 12 species.

“Consistent with their efforts to minimize protection for the nation ’s endangered species, the Bush administration shortchanged these 12 Texas species,” said Noah Greenwald, endangered species program dir ector for the Center for Biological Diversity. “These 12 rare and un ique species need increased critical habitat protections if they are going to have any chance at survival.”

For the three Comal Springs species, the Bush administration ignored the advice of expert peer reviewers and only included the small area around the springs themselves, even though the primary threat to the species is groundwater pumping from the larger Edwards Aquifer. For the nine Bexar County cave species, the administration slashed critical habitats proposed by the agency’s own scientists by 82 to 1 00 percent, leaving them vulnerable to sprawl from San Antonio. “Ignoring science was the name of the game for the Bush administrati on,” said Bill Bunch, attorney on the case and executive director of the Save Our Springs Alliance. “We trust the Obama administration w ill give science its due and dramatically increase the area of prote cted critical habitat for these species.” The Center for Biological Diversity has been actively working to overturn Bush-era decisions limiting protection for endangered species, including suing to overturn decisions affecting 55 species. To date, this campaign has been highly successful, with the Obama administration agreeing to reconsider 45 of the 54 decisions, including the 12 Texas species today.

Background on the Species:
Peck’s Cave amphipod, Comal Springs dryopid beetle, and Comal Spring s riffle beetle. These three Texas invertebrates occur in only four springs where they are threatened by ground water pumping in the Edw ards Aquifer. After Fish and Wildlife Service scientists drafted a p roposed rule that included subterranean waters in the aquifer, Deput y Assistant Secretary Julie MacDonald ordered that only the small ar eas around the springs be designated despite the fact that threats a re to the aquifer and not the springs.

Robber baron cave harvestman, vesper cave spider, Government Canyon cave spider, Madla’s cave spider, robber baron cave spider, and helo tes mold beetle, Cicurina venii, Rhadine exilis, Cokendolpher cave h arvestman. These nine karst-dwelling species all occur in one or mor e caves of Bexar County, Texas, and are threatened by rapid urban sp rawl in and around San Antonio. Critical habitat had been reduced fo r these species from between 82 to 100 percent, with a total of more than 15,000 acres removed from protection.

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