Its like fleas arguing over who owns the dogs back.


At the end of the day we are having no more effect on the earth than
anything else.  All the pollution in the world doesn't add up to anything
like some of the catastrophic events the earth has suffered since it was
born.  Before you and I walked the earth it was struck by asteroids and
undergone volcanic activity that nearly extinguished life a hundred times


If you want to be an environmentalist do so for mans sake.  the earth could
care less.  It can wipe us out in the blink of an eye, and ten thousand
years later you'd hardly find a trace we were ever here. 





From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 11:46 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] Climate change


I am so very sick and tired of the climate change debate and of the
perversion of science that is used by both sides to justify their underlying
political agenda. No one has ever suggested that the earth's climate is


There is no question but that much of current climate change is
anthropogenic and driven by fossil fuel consumption. The problem is the RATE
OF CHANGE over and above the background natural rate of change (which
changes all the time!). 


The evolution of life on earth, especially that of so called "higher" life
forms, cannot keep pace with the current rate of change which is greatly
exacerbated by our rape of the planet. An increased rate of change
inevitably favors fast evolving "lower" life forms and a diminution of
biodiversity. That means that in the future we will manufacture our energy
from bioengineered pond scum and eat the byproducts thereof. That is not a
future that any responsible person would want for their children's children.


I am a fundamentally conservative person. That means that I prefer the
status quo, not the status quo of the twentieth century, but rather the
status quo of the last few million years during which time change was slow
and natural barriers prevented promiscuous intermingling. As a result of
which the biosphere increased in richness until quite recently. 


Those who question anthropogenic climate change are conservative in an
entirely different way. They are directed by their inner ape to consume the
fruit right now with no regard whatsoever for either the past or the future.
They look at their ephemeral institutions as fixed in stone by some
imaginary higher power who justifies their dominance over every other life
form on earth. 


As a true conservative I never thought I would see the day that I would
abandon such quaint and antiquated concepts as individual freedom, human
rights and the dignity of man, but that day has come. When I listen to the
apelike gibberings of christians, moslems, republicans, and others who deny
the reality of our impact on the earth I long for the day when our future
Chinese overlords will have the wisdom to simply shut the mouths of the
godfearing, eradicate redundant populations, dole out a gobbet of porridge
for all, and cut off the balls of those who insist upon putting their hands
into the cookie jar.







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