>From the comments page on the landslide news story:

"For the past 9 years I have lived a quarter mile away from where this
man-made disaster has occurred, and have watched it unfold with
predictability. I can't believe the developers claim to have "no information
on what caused the problem." You don't have to be an engineer to figure this
one out! These new homes were built on the top of a steep landfill hill, not
solid ground.

An initial retaining wall failed earlier in the construction, and instead of
realizing or admitting that this was a disaster waiting to happen, the
developers put a band-aid on it and pressed ahead with this ill-fated
project. It was obvious at the time that a thin retaining wall of stone and
mortar was not going to hold back a mountain of landfill dirt.

The responsibility for this mess lies squarely at the feet of the developers
and whatever idiots in the city are responsible for enforcing safe building
codes. Greed clearly trumped safety and good judgment on this one. As bad as
I feel for the homeowners in the immediate area, your best bet will be to
cut and run. Get a good lawyer and recoup your investment, then leave and
don't look back. The cheap dirt mountain on which your houses was built will
never be stable or safe.


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