I think President Obama needs to sit down at the table on the White House
lawn with all the variousAMCS factions and work out a memorandum of
understanding or something ( with Mexican beer ).

Personally, I don't see why the AMCS can't have an office in Fort Bend
County or anywhere else,
or why a caver in say, Canada, couldn't be simultaneously working on
Activities Newsletter number 41,
while someone in Mexico is working on number 42, and someone in Virginia is
working on 43.

I think anybody who has been following speleological literature of Mexico
greatly appreciates the dedicated
years of service that the various AMCS publishers, editors, and mappers, and
writers have put into it.

I personally think AMCS produces the greatest literature in speleology.

I don't think there is any kind of voting type membership, but if there were
and if I were voting, I would nominate
both Mr. Raines and Mr. Mixon for AMCS Lifetime Acheivement Awards, and give
them some sort of
respectable prize, such as a Stenlight.

15 years from now, all these kind of publications will be produced
collaboratively over
some kind of internet service, so shouldn't all the caver's worldwide who
enjoy caving in Mexico have an
understanding of how the AMCS operates ?

Other than nostalgic value or sentimental value, does having a paper copy of
the AMCS articles really
mean anything?      I think AMCS will have to go all digital and stop making
paper copies in 10 years
or so.

That is all I can say as I know very little about the politics of the
organization, history, etc.

David Locklear
arm-chair caver in Fort Bend County, Texas

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