Greetings from Clark and Susie Giles in wonderful Central Texas.  San Saba
County to be exact.  Home to both caves and bats so I am hoping this one
post will be deemed caving related.  I have had a hard disk crash and lost
many of my contacts information.  The problem is this "green" thing.
Windmills were built in West Texas to generate power for the Austin area.
In order to get the power there Oncor is proposing a route of 12 story tall
power lines across near pristine Central Texas.  They should be using
already established routes but unfortunately San Saba County has been a path
of least resistance.  I think I am as "green" as the next person but I can
tell you this is not the "green" thing to do.    Read more at <> .


I understand that where they have built this type of power line over trail
ride areas the horses have to be specifically trained to go under them.
Imagine what this energy could do to a bat or a bee.  We have whooping
cranes that migrate across here.  I watched a flight of geese go overhead
the other day.  Clark and I went for an 8 mile bike ride this morning on
dirt roads and never encountered a car.  We have quiet here.  I don't have
cell phone coverage at my home and don't care.  Many cavers know what I mean
when I talk about being able to enjoy the quiet in caving.  I'm afraid these
power lines are very noisy.


I am facing a short deadline.  November 6.  I own property in San Saba
County and was never notified about this proposed route.  If you are
interested email me at and I will send you a copy of
what the Sierra Club has submitted.  I need help from organizations like NSS
and BCI.  I know a stalactite from a stalagmite but I don't know shit from
sour apple butter about the TX Public Utility Commission or power lines.  My
knowledge of why they are a bad idea is more intuitive.  I need
environmental organizations to get on board and protest.  If you have
contacts in Audubon, Wildflowers. Historical Society or ideas about how to
help please let me know or make them aware of what is going on.  Many of you
have enjoyed the view from our historic Regency Bridge across the Colorado
River.  It will be blighted by 12 story tall power lines that cross the
Colorado twice just in San Saba County.  Our local volunteer fire department
barn is in the path of this route and will have to be torn down.  I live in
a great place and of course I suffer from the "no one wants it in their
backyard syndrome" but this is just wrong in so many ways.  I am working on
a list of the top 10 reasons why this is a bad idea so if you have one
please send it to me.


Our local public schools are struggling to exist and the drop in property
values could close some of them down.  I am protesting on the grounds that
everyone in a civilized society deserves access to a basic education.  I
need to leave environmental issues to experts such as yourselves.  I cannot
attend the meetings in Austin because the lines do not go directly over my
property but anyone can protest.  You can buy a U.S. Postal stamp online but
you cannot submit a protest to the TX PUC online.  You have to send 10
copies of your protest to these guys.  How "green" is that?  You can
download the form from <> .


I hope you are all well.  Clark and I are doing great.  Just celebrated 23
years of marriage!  Every day is still an adventure.


Happy Trails,

Susie Giles




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