

This is the final report of the TSA Election Committee for 2009. To no ones
surprise, the slate of candidates presented by the Texas Speleological
Association was voted in overwhelmingly. They are:


President - Mark Alman              111 votes

Vice-President - Ellie Thoene      114 votes

Secretary - Denise Prendergast  114 votes

Treasurer - Darla Bishop            110 votes


A total of 115 votes were cast at the Texas Cavers Reunion on October 18 and
none of the nine mailed ballots were returned to the TSA mail box. Most
ballots were cast for all on the slate, some for less than all four and one
with a write-in for Secretary. The voting data spreadsheet will be sent to
anyone who writes and asks for it. The cast ballots will be housed in the
TSA room at the Texas Speleological Survey office in Austin for anyone who
would like to see them.


Ron Ralph, Elections Committee Chair

Ann Scott, Elections Committee

October 30, 2009


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