

I know what you mean. Many years ago, I was returning from Oaxaca and only a 
few miles south of the border I noticed I was running way low on gas, so I 
pulled in at the first station I came to. Big mistake. I did my usual stand by 
the truck while it was being filled, but before I knew what was happening, the 
guy started letting the gas run out of the tank onto the ground. I yelled at 
him to stop, but he and his buddies started laughing. I grabbed the hose out of 
his hand and put it back in the pump. I only paid him up to the point where he 
started letting it run out on the ground. When he started to argue, I told him 
I'd call the policia an let them decide. He finally relented and I left.


Watch what's going on at the pump and at the credit card scanner. I know a 
couple of people who had their cards double swiped. They tried to do that to me 
on this side of the border in Laredo one time. Fortunately for me, I follow my 
card around.



Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 23:07:33 -0600
Subject: [Texascavers] Havew you been short changed at a Pemex? 

I have been ripped off a time or two at Pemex.  
Here is a story from a Mexico rv forum.
 "In my 9 years of coming to Mexico for the winter,I've always been careful to 
watch what the attendant does,but today he got me just when I was distracted 
for a second.He shut it down and replaced the cap and told me to come inside 
for paying.I hesitated and walked back to see the amount and the pumps were 
He took a minute or two waiting for the machine to spit out a receipt,then he 
handed it to me and right away I noticed it was for at least $26.00 more than 
it should be.I deal with liters at home so I know almost exactly what it 
takes,and knew this was wrong, but he didn't back down.He was charging me for 
83 liters and the truck only holds 100 and it was just below half when I came 
I had no proof to argue the point,so paid and stomped out only to find my gauge 
reading 3/4 full.
And now as I sit at the RV park in Hermosillo,I look at that receipt,which by 
the way he crumpled up and threw away and I retrieved,and I see that it is 
dated for yesterday at 5:17.Not even my receipt.
So be ware you guys coming down Mex 15.Its just a few miles south of Santa 
Ana.A big one on the west side.#3811
Can anyone direct me to a site to go after these guys?" 

"Send a complaint to this email: "

"It is important to always ask for a ticket. With the ticket, you have a much 
better chance of winning your case. Just ask for a "comprobante" or "ticket". 
If you pay with credit or debit there is no losing, you have all the proof you 
Hope this helps someone. This type of problem in Mexico is not as common as it 
once was, but it still pays to be alert at the gas station. 
Preston in Outer Browder, KY                                      

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