This article appears to be from 1952:,9171,816782,00.html

It talks about a fatal caving accident in France.

Note:   According to the author, the term "spelunker" is "short for

Also, they found troglobitic cockroaches.

I didn't know there was such a thing until now.   But apparently they have
found in Australia and Thailand?

I think it is interesting that a troglobitic cockroach lives in both France
and Thailand,
and wonder how related they are?    Did their ancestors cross the Bering
to get there ?   I don't think so.   But whatever happened, happened a long,
long time
ago.   Right ?

Or did, a surface cockroach family migrate to the cave 1,000's of years ago,
and stay there ?

I found no troglobitic cockroach sites on the web for France.  ( maybe their
in French ? )

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