But you couldn't call that a cave rescue then :)

On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Bill Bentley <ca...@caver.net> wrote:

>  I was rescued and was outside of the cave...
> Bill
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Charles Goldsmith <wo...@justfamily.org>
> *To:* Don Cooper <wavyca...@gmail.com>
> *Cc:* jerryat...@aol.com ; Texascavers@texascavers.com
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 29, 2009 1:07 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Texascavers] Utah cave to entomb spelunker :
> Don't you have to actually be in a cave before you can get rescued?  :)
> just joking wavy
> Charles
> On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 8:27 AM, Don Cooper <wavyca...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If I ever need a cave rescue - get together a caver rescue team.  PLEASE
>> don't call 911!
>> -WaV
>> On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 9:38 PM, <jerryat...@aol.com> wrote:
>>>  Utah cave to entomb spelunker
>>> Tragedy » Officials say it's too risky to retrieve John Jones, will seal
>>> cavern with his body inside.
>>> By Lindsay Whitehurst
>>> The Salt Lake Tribune
>>> <lwhitehu...@sltrib.com?subject=Salt+Lake+Tribune:+Utah+cave+to+entomb+spelunker>
>>> Updated: 11/28/2009 10:46:43 AM MST
>>>  The cave that claimed the life of John Jones will also be his tomb.
>>> Nutty Putty Cave will be sealed permanently with the 26-year-old medical
>>> student's body inside, a decision supported by his family and rescue
>>> officials, who said retrieving him is too great a risk to rescuers. They
>>> also cited a desire to protect the safety of future cavers.
>>> "The cave will serve as the final resting place for John Edward Jones,"
>>> said Utah County sheriff's Sgt. Spencer Cannon. The Jones family will place
>>> a permanent memorial at the cave's entrance.
>>> "It will be, as they describe it, a sacred place for them and for a lot
>>> of other people," he said.
>>> Officials considered closing only the part of the cave where Jones rests,
>>> <http://www.sltrib.com/portlet/article/html/imageDisplay.jsp?contentItemRelationshipId=2754117>
>>> John Edward Jones, 26, will have his final resting place in the Nutty
>>> Putty Cave, the Utah County Sherriff's Office announced Friday. There will
>>> be no more recovery efforts because of the dangers of the cave. (Rick Egan /
>>> The Salt Lake Tribune)
>>> but as Kim Christy, assistant director at the state School and
>>> Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA), said, "We decided it
>>> probably wasn't appropriate to have recreational activities going on in the
>>> same area that has a final resting place."
>>> Jones died late Wednesday after becoming stuck in an unmapped finger of
>>> the cave near the end of the main passageway, about 100 feet below the
>>> surface and 400 feet from the entrance, not near "Bob's Push" as previously
>>> reported.
>>> Rescuers briefly pulled him out of the crevice using a pulley system and
>>> ropes tied to his feet, but he slipped back in after an anchor broke free of
>>> the cave wall.
>>> The 137 people who tried to free Jones are physically and mentally
>>> exhausted after the 27-hour effort, and will be offered critical stress
>>> counseling, said Utah County sheriff's Sgt. Tom Hodgson.
>>> "It isn't in our makeup to leave anything undone," he said. "They still
>>> feel like there is work left to be done, that they didn't bring closure to
>>> the Jones family."
>>> He described the "Herculean effort" as the most difficult rescue he's
>>> worked on in 30 years.
>>> Jones' brother Josh said the family stands behind the crews, and are
>>> grateful for their efforts.
>>> "There are some who feel like they failed our family," he said. "We know
>>> they did their best. We want to thank them from the bottom of our hearts."
>>> John Valentine, a state senator and longtime search-and-rescue
>>> participant, said the crevice is simply too small, and the passage too
>>> winding, for anyone to crawl inside and pull him out without being at risk
>>> themselves.
>>> "He is in an area that is really beyond the scope of what anyone can get
>>> into," he said. It's "where the cave peters down to nothing."
>>> Jones entered the small passage as he and a group of family and friends
>>> fanned out to explore the cave. About 400 feet in, he found himself unable
>>> to move, stuck at a 70-degree angle with "a good portion of his waist and
>>> torso" pinched in an approximately 10-inch-wide space, Cannon said. His head
>>> was out and unsupported at one end, and his feet stuck out at the other end.
>>> After crews got him out of the crevice, they still would have had to pull
>>> him through the difficult stretch of cave behind him, which twisted and
>>> turned in 90-degree angles over uneven ground, Cannon said.
>>> But Jones fell again less than 30 minutes after he was unstuck. He wasn't
>>> injured in the fall, but started struggling to breathe about two hours
>>> later. He later fell silent after relaying messages to his family, Hodgson
>>> said. Rescuers, who also have medical training, threaded a stethoscope in
>>> the crevice but could not find a pulse. He was pronounced dead at 11:57 p.m.
>>> He is thought to have died of the effects of the constant pressure on his
>>> body.
>>> "I don't think we'll ever be certain, and I don't think that's
>>> important," said Utah County Sheriff Jim Tracy.
>>> Jones was home for Thanksgiving in Stansbury Park from Charlottesville,
>>> Va., where he was a second-year medical student at the University of
>>> Virginia. He planned to become a pediatric cardiologist.
>>> He graduated from Dixie High School in St. George, where he played
>>> basketball and was senior class president, said friend Morgan Miles.
>>> He met his wife, Emily, at Brigham Young University. They married in 2006
>>> and had a 14-month-old daughter, Elizabeth, whom they called Lizzie. The
>>> couple recently found out Emily is pregnant and expecting a second child in
>>> June.
>>> Jones had explored many caves and loved the outdoors, so his family
>>> struggled with the decision to close Nutty Putty to future visitors, said
>>> 23-year-old Josh Jones.
>>> But "we feel it would be John's will to protect the safety of future
>>> cavers," he said.
>>> Officials have not decided how to close off the cave, which is now
>>> restricted by a metal grate and fencing under the ground, Cannon said. One
>>> option would be to fill in the entrance, which is a hole at the top of a
>>> hill west of Utah Lake. They expect to decide on what will be done within
>>> two to three weeks, and until then, a deputy will stand guard.
>>> The popular cave attracted about 5,000 to 10,000 people a year, despite
>>> its remote access point at the top of a hill west of State Road 68. On
>>> Friday, a draft of warm, moist air drifted out of the moss-lined entrance at
>>> the top of the cave as if the earth were exhaling.
>>> It was named for its soft brown "nutty putty" clay, which is found
>>> nowhere else in the country, said Mike Leavitt, the leader of the caving
>>> group Timpanogos Grotto. Because it is has no long rappels, it's a popular
>>> spot for beginner and intermediate cavers.
>>> "It is special in its own way," he said. "There are many safe parts of
>>> the cave, and there are extreme parts."
>>> There have been five high-profile rescues in the past 10 years, and it
>>> was closed temporarily in 2004 after two people became trapped in separate
>>> incidents within a week of each other, including a 16-year-old who got stuck
>>> in the same place Jones did.
>>> "There's no place else where we respond on five calls and have one
>>> death," Hodgson said. "That is significant."
>>> In 2006, officials of SITLA, which owns the cave and surrounding land,
>>> turned over management to the Timpanogos Grotto, a local chapter of the
>>> National Speleological Society.
>>> The group spent years developing a permitting process, and, on May 18 of
>>> this year, groups were allowed back in the cave.
>>> Closing it again just six months later is difficult, Leavitt said, though
>>> he agreed it was "absolutely the right decision."
>>> *Cave experts weigh in on closing the cave*
>>> Climbing and cave expert Doug Hansen is disappointed with the decision to
>>> close Nutty Putty cave. The Orem man said the cave has provided youth with
>>> opportunities to explore and learn how to use maps and compasses.
>>> Dale Green, the man credited with discovering the cave in 1960, said
>>> completely closing off Nutty Putty Cave doesn't seem necessary.
>>> "I think they can do nearly the same thing by blocking off access to this
>>> one part of the cave," he said. "That's really the only problem there. ... I
>>> just think it's a big loss to the people if they do that."
>>> Green said he doesn't find the cave -- named after the soft clay found in
>>> parts of the tunnel -- too interesting personally, but it's an easily
>>> accessible cave that many people find entertaining to crawl through.
>>> Proper training and proper respect of the terrain is needed when
>>> exploring caves, said the 80-year-old, a member of the National
>>> Speleological Society Salt Lake Grotto chapter.
>>> "Caves, it's like mountain climbing, and in general it's as safe as you
>>> want to make it," Green said. "If you don't use common sense and don't take
>>> care and think ahead of what you're doing, things can get dangerous. ...
>>> There's danger everywhere, but you just have to use common sense."
>>> -- Tribune reporters Donald W. Meyers and Maria Villaseñor
>>> http://www.sltrib.com/contents/ci_13879115

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