
Election of officers for 2010 will be held at TCR, probably Sunday, October
18th (to be finalized later). President Mark Alman appointed me Elections
Committee Chair to fill a slate for the four offices. This is the first call
for interested candidates. You must be a member of both the Texas
Speleological Association and the National Speleological Society to hold
office. Please respond to me off-line if you are interested in serving. And
if you are not interested but think you know someone who would do a good job
let me know and I will twist their arm to run.

Write if you have questions or suggestions to help me fill the slate. And
pass this on to others who may not subscribe to the list.

Ron Ralph

Duties of TSA Officers

Nominations for TSA officers are in process.  This page is an excerpt from
the TSA Constitution describing the duties of TSA Officers.

Article IV: Officers

A. The Executive Council consists of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer and the Chair of each standing committee. Elected officers shall
take office on the first day of the New Year. 

1. The Chairman, when present, shall preside over all TSA meetings.

2. The Vice-Chairman is responsible for meeting and program arrangements and
shall preside at TSA meeting is the absence of the Chairman.

3. The Secretary records the minutes of TSA meetings and maintains a current
list of members. 

4. The Treasurer keeps track of TSA assets by maintaining adequate financial
records, including those for The Texas Caver.  The Treasurer prepares a
budget for the fiscal year, maintains the membership database, and insures
the database is available electronically to the membership.

B. A vacancy in any elected office other than that of Chairman may be filled
by the Executive Council by appointing any full member in good standing or
by special election if so desired by the Executive Council. 

C. The Vice-Chairman shall fill a vacancy in the office of Chairman. 

D. Officers may be removed from their position by a three-quarters majority
vote at any Member Meeting. 

NOTES:  The vice chair has historically organized the TSA spring convention.
And the chairman is responsible for organizing the TSA business preparing agendas, scheduling the meeting...keeping things
moving at the meetings....and being a "speleo-referee" to keep things civil.


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