Hello All,

On May 5th, 13 U.S. Senators and 12 U.S. Congressmen requested Interior 
Secretary Salazar to address and fund research on White Nose Syndrome (WNS).  
The signed letter is attached.

At the March SWR, during discussion of a motion for the SWR to donate $500 to 
WNS research (via the NSS) two senior SWR members made two points that caused 
the motion to be with drawn:

1.  Has this happened before?
2.  The SWR is not that rich.

Individuals in the SWR stepped forward and donated $700.  

Other grottos and regions that I know of have donated include Sandia Grotto, 
Central Arizona Grotto and the Western Region. 

Read the letter.  For those still in doubt, the problem will become clearer.

I would like to see the motion reintroduced at the Memorial Day SWR.  



Attachment: WNS Salazar FINAL 050209[1].pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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