
Any physicists out there please correct me, but I think the only measurable effect of the Coriolis force on a caver would be the same effect it has on a pendulum: If a caver--say one who has fallen asleep on-rope from reading too much Texascavers and died from harness compression syndrome--is swinging back and forth on the end of a rope, he wouldn't spin, but the plane of his oscillation would precess at an angular speed proportional to the sine of his latitude, clockwise in the northern hemisphere, counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere. The next time you have to flatrock someone, you could perform this experiment to measure the latitude of the cave you're in!


Well, maybe it'll start spinning backwards, and then, if movies have taught me something, time would move back and we can do important things like avoiding sending those text messages after a long night partying that ended up being not such a good idea the following day...

    - Fofo

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