
Please consider this email as another ICS call for Volunteers.

I have been requested to coordinate and offer Kayaking opportunities during

As most of you are aware, Texas is in an extreme drought and most rivers do
not have the flow rates that allow enjoyable water activities. The Guadalupe
is no exception. However, we all know this can change if weather conditions
bring lots of rain.

The current River conditions has been brought to the attention of the
ICS Activities Committee (not that they we unaware of the drought) with a
request that we abandon all kayaking activities. Thereby releasing any vans
'on hold' for this activity and allowing for those who might run kayaking to
move on to other ICS activities needing their help.

The Activities Committee has requested that I offer at least some very local
Kayaking activities.
The general plan is to offer Kayaking within the small lakes in Kerrville.
As you may be aware there are a few low level dams that hold enough water to
paddle on. We may look further upstream and put in at Schumachers Crossing
and paddle down to Ingram or further.

 The transportation Coordinator has been informed that one van would be need
to take folks to the "Put In" and later pick them up at the "take out". If
we are limited to using just the local lakes then the locations are the

What do we need to offer this activity. Volunteers and a truck to haul
the trailer w/boats paddles lifejackets.

I have access to enough equipment to put 7 boats in the water (with paddles
& life jackets) . I have a trailer to haul this equipment. My 5x10 trailer
cannot hold much more. Do we need more??

As stated above, please consider this email as another ICS call for

Please contact Rob Bisset if you would like to offer your help.

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