I just got this you might be interested
Great news: A federal judge just struck down the Bush administration's rules 
limiting protection and citizen oversight of the entire 193-million acre 
National Forest System.

The Bush rules stripped away the U.S. Forest Service's requirement to maintain 
viable wildlife populations whenever it planned a new clear-cut, mine, or road. 
The rules also banned the Forest Service from even considering environmental 
impacts when developing long-term management plans guiding million of acres of 

The court, however, agreed with the Center for Biological Diversity's lawsuit 
that such willful disregard for endangered species, clean water, and quiet 
recreation violated the Endangered Species Act and other laws, and struck down 
the rules in their entirety.

Our national forests provide critically important habitat for thousands of 
fish, wildlife, and plant species, and are a source of clean water and 
recreational opportunities for millions of Americans. We look forward to 
working with the Obama administration to develop a new set of rules that truly 
protect the invaluable resources they contain.

Enjoy this major victory for our national forests. Thank you for helping make 
it happen. We'll be calling on you soon to contact the Obama administration to 
ensure its new rules do everything possible for wildlife and wild places.

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