The Houston Grotto is gearing
up to bring a bunch of volunteers to the ICS. Below is an email that
was sent out listing non-caving volunteer opportunities.

Let this be the beginning of a contest to see how many grottos will be 
represented with ICS volunteers!




-----Original Message-----
From: Lyndon Tiu <>
Sent: Sun, 22 Feb 2009 9:50 am
Subject: [greater_houston_grotto] Cool (on-campus/non-caving) volunteer 
opportunities at the ICS


Hi guys,

Please find below a list of "On-Campus/Non-Caving" related volunteer 

opportunities at the ICS. I will send the list of "Off-Campus/Caving" 

opportunities in a separate email.

If you wish to help-out, please contact the person whose name and email 

appears below each item. Please do so ASAP. They need your help.

Thank you!


1) Facilities Coordinator

Contact: Jon Cradit

All sorts of jobs to get the facilities in order, keep them running 

smoothly and clean up afterwards.

2) Print Salon Coordinator

Contact: Ann Bosted

Collect the NSS photo stands from the Florida convention store, then 

deliver to the ICS in Kerrville assemble stands 3 days prior to opening 

so prints can be hung for judging and for final display build more 

stands at the ICS, materials provided.

This job could be handled by one volunteer or divided up among several. 

  The stands can be knocked down to sheets measuring about 4'x8', with 

2"x2" posts for the legs.  They could fit in the back of a large pick-up 

or go in a trailer.

3) Audio-Visual Coordinator

Contact: Rick Corbell

Two to three folks to set up band equipment before the Wednesday night 

party (chance to hang with the Terminal Syphons!).

Three to four folks who are familiar with projectors and presentations 

to help us monitor the sessions, debug equipment malfunctions (be a hero 

that saves the presentation) possible need for help setting up audio for 

the banquets.

4) ICS Vendor and Exhibits Coordinator

Contact: Emily Davis

Volunteer(s) needed to help set up and check in on vendors.  all day 

prior to Congress volunteer(s)  to touch base with vendors during the 

week, approx. 1 hour per day for extra credit in Heaven, the same person 

  may apply for both tasks!

5) NSS and ICS Banquet Volunteers and Food Tasters

Contact: Linda Palit

NSS Banquet     2-3 hours that Friday, decorating, opening wine!

ICS Banquet     2-3 hours that Saturday, decorating and just helping out

6) Judges for SpeleOlympics

Contact: Bill Stephens

Timer/Judge for Cable Ladder Competition.

Timer/Judge for Obstacle Course Competition.

7) Congress Services

Contact: Joe Ranzau

Liaison with travel agent. Liaison with hotel staff. These volunteers 

will simply stay in touch with travel agent and hotel staff before 

during and after the Congress to make sure that everything is running 

smoothly. Joe is available to help as needed.

8) Drivers

Contact: Don Arburn

Drivers, 25 years or older, with a valid standard drivers license for 15 

passenger vans trips throughout the ICS.

9) Translations Committee

Contact: Sherry Graham

Bi or Multi Linguists sought to prepare documents for the website and 

prior to ICS. Super friendly multi linguists to volunteer to wear tags 

during ICS identifying which language(s) you speak and helping visitors 

with questions in that language.

10) Information Desk Coordinator.

Contact: George Veni

This person will recruit a team to staff an information desk near ICS 

registration to provide information on the ICS, local sights, and 

amenities. The coordinator need not be from Texas, as long a good, 

knowledgeable (or trainable!) crew is recruited.

11) SpeleoArt Exhibition

Contact: Carolina Shrewsbury

Volunteers to docent the Salon and Exhibition displays in the Library. 

  Someone needed for 2 hour shifts Mon to Fri:






A perfect air conditioned break!


Lyndon Tiu






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