>> (Whoever wrote this one down deserves a HUGE pat on the back!)
>> Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I
>> pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In
>> order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with
>> which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution
>> of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.
>> Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I
>> have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem
>> with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a
>> problem with helping someone sitting on their A--, doing drugs, while I
>> work. . . Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had
>> to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?
>> I guess we could title that program, 'Urine or You're Out'.
>> Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all
>> will pass it along, though. . Some thing has to change in this country --
>> and soon!!!!!!!

   Actually, some people do have to subject themselves to this type of
draconian barbarism to receive much needed assistance. My mother for
one, who suffers from rather extreme fibromyalgia, and is therefore
prescribed narcotic medications with extreme side effects including
permanent liver damage, permanent kidney damage, lack of cognitive
thought process, an increases in blood pressure - oh lookie, they have
a drug for her high blood pressure too, and lookie, it has side
affects too…

   Now because my mom is on permanent disability, she cannot work, not
even just this weekend for you watching your kids, because if the
government finds out, she's out of assistance and on the streets.
What's even more draconian is the fact that she had to sign an
agreement that she can be randomly drug tested at any time.

   Fibromyalgia is a disease that affects the connective tissue of the
human body. Marijuana is an herb that has been proven in many studies
(mostly outside of this country) to dramatically decrease the brains
perception of non-localized (and localized) pain, among many other

   In short, my mom CAN take narcotic medications that make the
pharmaceutical companies, doctors, and politicians rich, have major
side affects, and provide minimal relief without a constant increase
in dosage. - Remember, this isn't like when you break something and
get scrip for two weeks. My mother is expected to live the rest of her
life this way, which will be greatly shortened by the medications she
is taking.

   She CAN'T smoke a couple hits of marijuana, supporting a local
cottage industry, and relieving her pain without any known or
suspected side affects. If she did this, she would be out of pain, and
able to get a good nights sleep, unfortunately she might not have a
roof to sleep under, or a way to afford food.

   Due to an agenda established by the Food and Drug Administration
and with banners carried forward by those ever two faced and
illiterate fundamentalist Christians (if they were literate they would
read that the bible actually says god provided all seed bearing plants
for the use of man Genesis 1:11) my mother, like millions of other
Americans is forced to live in pain for the profit of the already

   This is not in the spirit of a free country.

   The writer of this e-mail states  "In order to get that paycheck, I
am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem".
Those last six words are actually the most worrisome aspect of this
person's point of view. To not have a problem with your employer drug
testing you.

   You do realize this is your employer saying to you, that in no
uncertain terms, they don't trust you? How could you ever bee so
foolish as to trust someone who doesn't trust you? Would you do that
of a person? A corporation is no different than a person. So why do
you work for a company that doesn't trust you?

   Wouldn't you rather work for a company that trusts it's managers to
properly assess a person's ability to do their job? Imagine if this
was done regardless of what drugs that person may need to do there
job. Human quality cannot be quantified.

   Almost every person holding down a steady job in this country is on
drugs. Some legal, some illegal. There are the stimulants; Caffeine
being the number one, also popular is Adderall and Cocaine, depending
on business class. Then there are the relaxants, such as Paxil,
Marijuana, and Kava Kava.  What's the important difference in these
drugs? Education and Taxation.

   I say, Educate and establish a tax-rate, don't legislate and incarcerate.

   The writer of this e-mail also states "Some thing has to change in
this country -- and soon!" Trust me things are going to change. This
unsustainable joy ride can only go on so long. The change may be
inevitable, but how the change will manifest is yet to be determined,
as it will only do so at its time of occurrence by the mindsets of
those people partaking. Basically, people can start thinking for
themselves, and prosper. Or move into a truly cattle-istic (moo)
society of non-decisive conformity.

   Since drugs got me on this rant, I'll use the DARE program as an
example of allowed miss-education and it's far reaching effects.

   The problem with the DARE program is that it teaches kids that all
illegal drugs are equally bad. This leads to a problem because of the
way in witch it lumps all illegal drugs together. Kids are taught that
Marijuana, Cocaine, Speed, Heroin, and whatever else the local area
may have to offer, are all "Bad Dangerous Drugs", to quote what my
DARE instructor told me. So then when a kid smokes a joint, and gets
giggly before raiding the 'fridge, he concludes that "hey, that wasn't
so bad after all". At this point it has been proven unquestionably to
the kid that he was lied to by the dare instructor. Now, all that was
said by the dare instructor has been discredited, including the
dangers of other drugs. (Remember, where dealing with a teenage mind
set here.)  Unfortunately, when this kid is then offered a line of
coke, he reflects upon his experience with Marijuana, and what he had
been "educated" about Marijuana, and concludes that there is likely
little risk with this as well. Unfortunately, Cocaine, or the many
other hard drugs that one may encounter DO have serious consequences
that will mercilessly destroy life. This is how the DARE program has
actually led to an increase in addiction to harder more dangerous
drugs. Marijuana has been turned into a "lead-in" drug because of, and
only because of, misinformation given out to the youth of America.

   Imagine if we DAREd to properly educate our youth about the true
facts relating to all drug use, the good, the bad, and the ugly; the
legal and the illegal. I mean, I'm sorry, my dare instructor told me
that Marijuana will make you lose ambition, Michael Phelps has won 14
career Olympic gold medals, I don't think he's lacking ambition. Have
you ever heard of the Bowl Hole Series in Sistema Huautla? That was so
named because the original explorers smoked a bowl at the top of each
drop. I'm sorry, but those cavers weren't losing any ambition there.

   What we really need is proper education, not more ridiculous
policies like what that e-mail suggested. I wouldn't smoke a bowl
while doing deep vertical exploration, but then I like to think I hade
more drug education the first time I ever tried marijuana than these
guys did when they managed to safely pull off that stunt.  When you
allow for miss-education, when you allow yourself to conform to silly
regulations that you know are pointless, you may think it's
victimless, but it's not.

   I wish you people knew what it was like to have to sneak your
cancer ridden chemoed-out buddy out of the hospital in the middle of
the night; so that he can smoke a little marijuana and therefore get
the first good nights sleep since he's been hospitalized.
I've done that. The next morning my friend thanked me for he hadn't
slept that well in two weeks. When the doctors ran the morning labs,
they said since he actually slept all night his white blood cells had
tripled and they increased his chance of living from 25% to 50%.  It's
fucking ridiculous, this is not the type of experience my fore fathers
would have wanted me to have.

   I wish you people knew what it's like to watch your own mother
suffer in pain, unwilling to take the marijuana you have for her, for
fear of persecution. Marijuana that she wants to smoke because she
knows she will get the first good nights sleep in a long time.

   Think of that next time you take a good nights sleep for granted.
Your drug laws are keeping people from getting a good nights sleep
tonight. Many of these people are in sever pain like my mother. Some
of these people are going to be dead in two weeks anyway, like my
friend Jodi, who I never snuck out of the hospital to smoke with.

Justin Leigh Shaw

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