I just learned that a 234 acre (approximately) property in Wayne County, 
Kentucky is for sale. The property contains two caves: Coal Trace Cave, which 
has the second largest cave room in Kentucky, and Saltpetre Pit. Saltpetre Pit  
is approximately 124 feet deep. It was mined for salt petre in the early 1800's 
and for guano through the 1920's. Local farmers used the guano for fertilizer. 
I first visited Saltpetre Pit, which we named Barefoot Pit because an 8 year 
old barefoot girl led us through briar patches up the hill to the cave, in 
1972.  Paul Unger and I dropped the pit that year and started to survey it. The 
cave contained a few artifacts from the salt petre mining days and drawings on 
the cave wall left by the miners. It is an interesting cave. I plan to visit 
the cave next week (3/8/2009) with Fish and Wildlife people to do a bat count.

If any cavers are interested please contact me for additional information.

Best regards,
Bill Walden

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