Underground Texas Grotto meeting ­ March 4, 2009 
The meeting is on Wednesday from 7:45 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. 
on the University of Texas Campus in 2.48 Painter Hall 

The Presentation will be a subterranean journey by Victoria Siegel and Bill 
Stone www.stoneaerospace.com 

Sub-Ice Exploration of West Lake Bonney:
ENDURANCE 2008 Mission

Bill Stone
Stone Aerospace, Austin, TX

ENDURANCE (Environmentally Non-Disturbing Under-ice Robotic Antarctic Explorer) 
is a highly maneuverable, hovering autonomous underwater science platform 
descended from the DEPTHX vehicle, both of which were developed under NASA 
ASTEP funding.   ENDURANCE had the specific mission of descending through a 3 
to 5 meter deep melt hole in the ice cap of West Lake Bonney, Taylor Valley, 
Antarctica and conducting three autonomous science tasks:  
1) measuring the 3D water chemistry of the lake; 
2) mapping the underwater face of Taylor glacier where it enters the lake; and 
3) charting the bathymetry of the lake bottom; and then 
4) returning safely on its own to the melt hole – barely 0.25 m larger in 
diameter than the vehicle – from more than 700 m radial range and rising up the 
hole to be retrieved for data download and servicing for the next mission.   

Many features of ENDURANCE represented radical changes and improvements over 
its highly successful predecessor craft.  Included among these was the 
development of an automated sub-sea servo winch and sonde payload with its nine 
water chemistry probes, high def imaging system, and bottom ranging altimeter.  
 A specialized ice-picking behavior was developed to maximize cast initial 
proximity to the underside of the ice sheet and to reduce power consumption 
during casts.  The navigation system was comprised of a three layer Kalman 
filter utilizing high grade dead reckoning, ultrashort baseline localization, 
and machine vision.   Also new were web-based glacier imaging systems and a 
120-degree swath high resolution multi-beam mapping sonar system – used for 
both lake bottom and glacier face mapping.  All of these systems, following 
several days of initial shakedown in the – 4C water, worked flawlessly for the 
duration of the expedition, producing nearly 80 sonde casts spread over 80% of 
the lake area (2.5 km length x 1.25 km width x 40 m depth); greater than 100 
million 3D sonar hits across the Taylor glacier; and more than 400 million 
bathymetric 3D hits on the lake bottom.   The vehicle successfully demonstrated 
autonomous melt hole location, position lock and auto recovery on a routine, 
daily basis.   A custom magnetic beacon tracking system was developed that 
allowed for real-time surface position fixes to be established on the vehicle – 
a powerful new feature that allowed us to precisely geo-reference all water 
chemistry samples.   Many of the characteristics and capabilities of ENDURANCE 
– now successfully demonstrated for the first time in real under-ice complex 
settings beneath West Lake Bonney -- are the types of behaviors that will be 
needed for sub-ice autonomous probes to Europa, Enceladas, and other outer 
planet watery moons.

Team ENDURANCE:  UIC, Stone Aerospace, NASA, NSF OPP, University of Montana

For information on Underground Texas Grotto activites, please see the website 
All of our information is available through our link including officer contact 
info.  Check it out and surf around for information on trips reports, new caver 
training, calendar, and link to get included on mass postings for either 
beginner trips or vertical rope training.  

We are busy with all kinds of activities that we discuss after each of our 
meetings as well.   Come out and hang out with us for burgers, beer, and tall 
tales at the after meeting at Posse East.

Posse East
2900 Duval Rd
Austin Texas

The UT Grotto is always looking for someone like you that has cool photos and a 
story to share about your caving adventures.  Contact Gary to get your place in 
the spotlight.  v...@utgrotto.org

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
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