WHY does this story "repeat itself"?
In striking similarity - has this not happened at least a couple of other
times in recent years?

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Antonio Aguirre Alvarez <
nelfas...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Last monday, ppl from the Mexican Red Cross and Espeleo Rescate Mexico
> from San Luis Potosi and Queretaro were called to rescue 6 ppl who died
> inside in a well.
> Two workers were tryng to dry a tunel with a gasoline powered pump. They
> died fast because the CO. The owner and his wife tried to rescue them but
> died too. The emergency groups were called then. So, 3 ppl enter the well. 2
> firefighters and a 1 paramedic from Red Cross. Just 1 fireman scape from the
> inside. The other 2 rescuers died.
> The crew begins to work at tuesday 3am. The rescue was successfull the same
> day at 1600hrs.
> here is a note in english with some inaccuracy:
> http://www.emsresponder.com/article/article.jsp?id=9088&siteSection=1
> Soon, ofical report and pics in the ERM web site.
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