
I am very concerned about you sharing secret male secret secrets with 
non-males. I believe we may have to call a tribunal.

Ladies--please ignore Jon's demented blatherings about "duct tape and bailing 
wire". These products are have no use outside of taping ducts or bailing hay. 
And there is no such thing as "JB Weld", if he ever mentions that, either. It's 
a myth. These are all the ravings of a deranged mind. Just remember that men 
are simply better at fixing things, that's all.

Jon, we'll deal with you later.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Broholm" <>
To:, "Richard Bohman" <>, "Ryan Gosciejew" 
<>, "paul mozal" <>, "Randy Macan" 
<>, "Carrie Finn" <>, "Cordell Brown" 
<>, "Janae Hunderman" <>, "Scott 
Nicolay" <>
Sent: Friday, March 6, 2009 9:36:08 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: 100 uses of Seamgrip

100 uses of Seamgrip, the old caver standby.  If it does all the things that 
this says, it should be in the same class as duct tape and bailing wire. 
- Jon Broholm 

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