At 01:24 PM 3/24/2009, wrote:
I agree with your statement, Gill. But, I do have to say that my uncle has lived in Harlingen for the last 30 years and he is now talking of moving to San Antonio because of all the trouble down there. They have had some drug war shootings down there as well. He is worried and he never worries.

I can't discount the present situation down there--as opposed to the historical one--but the RGV (Rio Grande Valley) has always been home to a paranoid segment of displaced Texas and US society that works itself up into overblown and unusual frenzies over any little bit of alarmist news out of Mexico. It's sort of like they live with one suitcase always packed and ready to make an emergency exit should a latter day Pancho Villa decide to come riding across the river in whatever 21st Century form he might take--sex, drugs, or rock & roll or money, guns, & lawyers. Given any little bit of excitement or revolt anywhere in Mexico--but particularly near the border--the whole of the RGV starts buzzing like a nest of disturbed bees and bouncing around like the ball in a pin ball machine--lights flashing and bells and whistles going off. A few days later it's all over and another crisis has taken its place. I put about as little value in a first person report from the RGV as I do from a 2nd-or 3rd-hand one from Fox News.


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