
You indeed got it a bit wrong, Ive always said that as long as you dont mess
with the bad guys they will pretty much leave you alone at least thats how
it works in places like this
it might work a different way in border towns I'm not sure.. Getting
kidnapped its a whole different animal, usually they kidnap people who they
already know have the means to pay ransom and they usually study your all
your movements before they make a move on you.
As for getting caught in the middle of a gun fight well that'd be plain bad
luck, the odds are pretty slim though something along the lines of getting
struck by lightning, same thing goes to getting robbed on the streets.

Of course there is problems but one must learn how to avoid them.

Happy Mexico traveling everyone

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Thomas Sitch <> wrote:

> Interesting, I’m seeing and hearing two different things.
> When it comes to the narco-traffickers and the violence I hear some folks
> saying something to the effect of “crime happens to other people,” “I went
> to Mexico and nothing bad happened, therefore there are no problems,” etc.
> I consistently hear from my Mexican friends such as Nico and Maria (and
> Nico can correct me if I’ve got it wrong) that you have to respect and stay
> the hell out of the way of the narco-traffickers.

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