Butch is in the hospital with Congestive Heart Failure due to complications
from pneumonia. I thought he had walking pneumonia a couple of months ago
and told him to go to the doctor. He went to CareNow and they treated him
for bronchitis twice in the past 3 months. He doesn't have insurance (and
neither do I.)

I had to call 911 Sunday morning and he stayed in the ER (JPS) all day until
they got his breathing under control and his heart rate down. It was 180 at
one point. It was scary!

The doctors and nurses at JPS are excellent and taking very good care of
him. He is getting about 3 -7 breathing treatments a day. He's slowly
improving; but, tonight he had a set-back. He hasn't slept but about 3 hours
in the past 3 days. They gave him a sedative around 8:30 p.m. I stayed with
him for a couple of hours to make sure he got a couple of hours of good
sleep. I just got home at 11 p.m.

I don't expect him to be released until later this week. At this time, he is
only allowed 2 visitors in the room at a time. If you want to stop by and
see him, please call me first to check on his status. I am not supposed to
keep my cell phone on while in his room. I will check my cell phone for new
messages throughout the day. While we all know that Butch LOVES to talk, it
does take quite a bit out of him to do so and he needs to reserve his
strength for getting better. 
Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts as we go thru this difficult

Sharon Mastbrook

817-229-7768 (Cell)


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