Despite it being the Easter weekend, there will indeed be a regular TSA Project 
trip to Colorado Bend State Park this weekend.  In fact, since many people have 
Friday off, I asked the Park superintendent if we could make the weekend a day 
longer, and arrive Thursday evening, and he said yes.   We are going to spend 
much of Friday working on projects around the new Caver Camp, including setting 
stepping stones to the outhouse and cleaning up from the recent prescribed burn 
near camp.  So plan on cutting and hauling firewood, dragging brush, moving 
stones, and generally tidying up the place.  If you have a chainsaw or mower 
you want to bring, great!  Other hand tools like loppers, bow saws, shovels, 
and mattocks will also be useful for the other projects.  I'll have an 
assortment of tools also.  Later that day, people can head off to their own 
cave-digging projects, or even an evening trip to Gorman Cave.
On Saturday we will break up into the usual teams and head out to do more cave 
inventory work.  All trips will leave camp by 10:00 at the LATEST, so if you 
are not coming up until Saturday morning, plan to arrive well before 10.  
Remember that camp is primitive, so bring your own water, tent, food, and 
anything else you need for the weekend.  There is also a $2 project fee that 
will be collected when you sign the Park release form.
Due to the heightened concerns about White Nose Syndrome (WNS), a mysterious 
malady killing tens of thousands of bats in the Northeast (so far), we are 
stepping up our requirements for clean cave gear.  ALL clothing and cave 
equipment must either be new, never worn outside of Texas, or disinfected 
following the decontamination protocols listed on the Northeast Region US Fish 
and Wildlife website (  Basically 
you can wash your clothing in bleach, and disinfect your vertical gear, boots, 
and electronics with a quaternary ammonium compound such as found in Lysol 
brand antibacterial cleaner.  Look up quaternary ammonium compounds in 
Wikipedia ( 
if you are not sure if your particular product has the right stuff.  When you 
are sure your helmet, headlamp, boots, clothes, pack, gloves, camera, and 
everything else is clean, put them in a clean storage container and don't let 
them come into contact with any other gear or clothing.  Anyone showing up with 
dirty or even suspicious gear will NOT be allowed underground.  WNS is too 
scary for us to be taking a lax attitude. We like our bats and what they do for 
Any questions or comments should be sent to me off list.  Do NOT respond just 
to tell me you are coming.  Just show up.
Jim "Crash" Kennedy
TSA-CBSP Project Coordinator

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