Butch, glad to hear your doing better....I am at the eastern end of the state 
in Texarkana for a funeral. My mother in law passed away and have sorta been 
out of the internet WIFI as they don't have that in Arkansas where I am 
staying. I'm at a parking lot of a LaQuinta on I-30 and tied in to their WIFI 
so I can check email...
I'll keep you in my prayers and sure hope you make a full recovery.


From: mark.al...@l-3com.com
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 13:01:41 -0500
To: bfra...@maverickgrotto.org; allcav...@metroplexcavers.org; 
Subject: [Texascavers] RE: Butch Fralia out of hospital

Glad to hear that you're still with us, 
Butch, and home and out of the hospital!
Good luck on kicking the nicotine 
With all of your health issues you 
experienced and a huge increase on the excise tax on them, it's a good time to 
kick the habit.
Hope you continue to improve and hope to 
see you at the Convention!
Now, when can you work on the TSA 
webpage?!  8^)>
Mark Alman

allcavers-boun...@metroplexcavers.org on behalf of Butch Fralia
Tue 4/7/2009 12:49 PM
Subject: [Allcavers] Butch Fralia out of 

I’m happy to report I was finally released from the hospital 
about 3:00 PM on Saturday, April 4.
I’ve been “enjoying” pneumonia since the end of December and 
have been through several rounds of antibiotics.  The last round was 
particularly aggressive involving the antibiotic Avolox for 10 days and 12 days 
of steroids.  That was completed about 10 days before the trip to the 
Sunday morning, March 29, I was having breathing difficulty 
seemingly from excess “gas” and was trying to get to a local clinic to see if 
they could give me something for that.  Because of the gas, I couldn’t bend 
over enough to get in the car so ended up calling an ambulance instead.  At 
this point, I must mention that breathing is habit forming.  Once you get 
in the habit, it’s really hard to stop!  It’s easier to quit smoking (I 
have).  Anytime you can’t breathe, it sets off panic attacks and in this 
case hyper-ventillation.  The ambulance ride seemed like it took about two 
years though they were giving me “breathing” treatments on the way.
At the hospital, they continued the breathing treatments, 
brought out the vampires for blood samples, ran chest x-rays and an EKG.  
They got my breathing stabilized and observed my lungs had lots of excess fluid 
along with other parts of my chests.  They confirmed I STILL had pneumonia 
(enough to make a grown may cry).  So there I am on IV antibiotics and 
diuretics but with my breathing stabilized.  I literally hadn’t slept since 
the night before and dozed off only to be awakened by some alarm going off and 
people running around my bed.  Seems my heart rate started spiking at 
around 185 BPM from around 75BPM.  More test and some kind of heart drug to 
get my heart beat under control.  Doctors are asking how long I’ve had 
heart trouble.  Until that moment I’ve never had it suggested by a medical 
professional or my own body there was a problem.  There were a bunch other 
weird test results that I’m happy to report were anomalous and proved not to be 
a problem.
Sunday night I was admitted and finally settled in my room at 
1:00 AM Monday morning.  On the way to my room, I stopped off for a CT scan 
that apparently verified I had fluid on my lungs (seemed like that was pretty 
popular test result).  The rest of the week was taken up by lots of test, 
IV’s and was mostly uneventful other than boring beyond belief.  My blood 
pressure was way low until one of my nurses checked it in the other arm and 
found it to be way high.  Checking it in my leg showed normal blood 
pressure.  Turned out there were some venous clots in both arms causing the 
blood pressure anomaly and were deemed not serious.  
Bottom line is eventually home with about $30,000 in hospital 
bills, a diagnosis of congestive heart failure, pneumonia and excess fluids (I 
lost over 20 pounds in the hospital from the diuretics).  I came home with 
a boatload of medication, not the least of which is three different types of 
antibiotics, diuretics, and other heart stabilization medicines.  Except 
for all the drugs keeping me dizzy and still being tired from the journey I’m 
good shape and should recover nicely. 
Thanks for all your support, e-mails and phone calls.
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