Dear Friends,

There has been some confusion about trip registration for the 15th International
Congress of Speleology (ICS). I have sent reminders that people must register
for the Pre-ICS, Post-ICS, and Wednesday trips by 16 April (this coming Friday)
in order to have a “guaranteed” space on the trips. Some people have understood
this to mean they will have a guaranteed place on the 1st choice trip they
register for. That is not the case. All of these trips have limits on the number
of people, which is why we ask you to indicate a 2nd and 3rd choice on the
registration form in case your first choice trip is filled. The maximum number
of people is indicated on the form for the Pre-ICS and Post-ICS trips, but not
for the Wednesday trips. This caused some people to think there is no limit on
the Wednesday trips. We apologize for the confusion by not listing that
information. Most of the Wednesday trips will take about 50 people; some will
take 100 or more. The Kickapoo Cavern / Devil's Sinkhole trip is filled. Other
trips are filling too, so again, I suggest you register as soon as you can and
to list your 2nd and 3rd choices too.

In February I sent a message about White Nose Syndrome (WNS), a mysterious
condition that has recently been killing hundreds of thousands of bats in the
U.S. I wrote that some ICS trips may need to be modified or cancelled. About
three weeks ago, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued an advis
ory about WNS
and a few days ago the U.S. National Speleological Society (NSS) released its
policy on WNS. To see that advisory, policy, and more information on WNS, go to . The ICS officers are working on a WNS policy
for ICS trips. We are doing this in consultation with the NSS and the Bureau of
the International Union of Speleology. We expect to announce our policy and any
changes in trips very soon. In the meantime, continue to register for the trips
you wish to join and we will report back soon with any changes that may be

I thank you for your understanding and cooperation with this national crisis.


George Veni, Ph.D.
Chairman, 15th International Congress of Speleology
Adjunct Secretary, International Union of Speleology
Executive Director, U.S. National Cave and Karst Research Institute

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