I see Terri's point about not having the CAVER able to be electronically 
distributed all over, and folks losing their privacy. I know she gets up to all 
kinds of mischief on trips she doesn't want her conservative employers to know 
about! :)
Could we make it where it's read only (not downloadable) on the web site? 
People who want a hardcopy could continue to receive one in the mail.
I personally do not want a hardcopy or my dues raised (though I could afford 
it, I'd rather not pay more, I support all kinds of organizations in addition 
to the TSA), so I like this option.
I do not think the goal here is to eliminate all hardcopies, only those for 
people who do not want them (a logical decision that saves money for the TSA 
and a tree or two/barrel of oil). I really think the CAVER will always be in 
My two cents,
Denise> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 20:28:00 -0800> From: posada...@yahoo.com> To: 
texascavers@texascavers.com> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The TEXAS CAVER Is Now 
Online!!!!> > > Peter thinks the solution is to raise the dues and keep 
printing the hard copies. I agree. Peter uses the Texas Caver as a resource - 
so long term access is important. We have all of the Texas Cavers dating back 
to 1961 on our book shelves. Computers, programs, online data storage systems 
crash, become outdated and change a lot, but data stored in the bookcase is 
stable and reliable. The last thing we want is to look up one day and realize 
that we have lost this source of information on explored caves.> > The prospect 
of having trip reports available online to non-members (or to any large group 
of people in digital format) scares the hell out of me. Most times, people on a 
caving trip have absolutely no control over what is written about them in a 
trip report.> > I would not like for anything that I write about in a trip 
report to be easily forwarded to or accessible by the general public, 
employers, clients, etc. . . . I don't want to gratuitously offer any more info 
on anybody. The internet is grabby enough. Do we really want to feed that 
monster?> > Gezus> > --- On Thu, 1/15/09, jerryat...@aol.com 
<jerryat...@aol.com> wrote:> > > From: jerryat...@aol.com <jerryat...@aol.com>> 
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The TEXAS CAVER Is Now Online!!!!> > To: 
mark.al...@l-3com.com, texascavers@texascavers.com> > Date: Thursday, January 
15, 2009, 7:32 PM> > Where in the great beard of Oztotl did you all come up 
with> > a cost of $26 per member per copy of the Texas Caver ??? > > Is that 
supposed to be total cost per year per member ??? > > > > Jerry.> > > > 
-----Original Message-----> > From: mark.al...@l-3com.com> > To: TexasCavers 
<texascavers@texascavers.com>> > Sent: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 1:08 pm> > Subject: 
[Texascavers] The TEXAS CAVER Is Now Online!!!!> > > > > > > > > > To all PAID 
TSA members, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > It was decided this past weekend 
at the Winter Business> > Meeting at CBSP that in order to forestall an 
increase in> > TSA member fees, due mainly to the cost of printing the TC,> > 
we would like to offer PAID members the option of accessing> > The TEXAS CAVER 
electronically. > > > > > > > > Since the bulk of the TSA budget involves 
printing the TC,> > the current $20 membership fee is insufficient to cover 
the> > cost of printing and mailing the TC, calculated at $26 per> > 
member/copy.> > > > > > > > > > > > Do the math!> > > > > > > > > > > > We did 
not think this was the best use of membership monies> > and our cash reserves 
would soon be depleted at this rate.> > > > > > > > > > > > This where you come 
in.> > > > > > > > > > > > Through the technical wizardry of our webmaster> > 
extraordinaire, Butch Fralia, PAID TSA members can now sign> > themselves up to 
view the latest TC online, each and every> > time!> > > > > > > > But, that’s 
not all! > > > > > > > > > > > > “What else do I get by doing this and why 
should I> > bother?!”> > > > > > > > > > > > Here’s why:> > > > > > > > C2> > > 
> · It will prevent> > a membership dues increase, hopefully, for quite a long> 
> time. In these tough economic times, who wants that?!> > > > > > > > · This 
will free> > up a HUGE amount of TSA funds that can be better utilized on> > 
projects, other activities, equipment, and other more > > > > worthwhile> > 
pursuits.> > > > > > > > · You will have> > helped get the TSA “Back in Black”, 
hopefully, to stay.> > > > > > > > · You will be able> > to view and download 
the latest TC in glorious FULL color,> > not just the cover in color in the 
mailed version.> > > > > > > > · You will be able> > to view and download past 
issues of the TC in glorious FULL> > color, not just the cover in color mailed 
version. All of > > > > the 2008 issues> > are already online and past issues 
that moi has been the> > Editor of will soon be added. Any back issues we can 
get> > our > > > > =C> > 2 grubby hands on> > will be added, as well!> > > > > 
> > > · That> > tree-hugging part of you will rest peacefully in knowing> > 
that you have helped preserve many a conifer by opting for> > the electronic > 
> > > version over the> > paper version.> > > > > > > > · And no matter> > 
where you may roam, you will have access to the good ol'> > TC and the 
frustrated Editor and Secretary will not have to > > > > deal with the> > 
dreaded “Return To Sender/Addressee Not Found”.> > > > > > > > > > > > Not to 
mention that it just makes good financial sense.> > > > > > > > > > > > All new 
registrations will be listed as pending, initially,> > while your membership is 
verified before you will have> > membership access. > > > > > > > > Butch has 
added Darla and Denise as administrators and they> > will verify that you are a 
“Member in Good Standing” and> > will check this periodically. You will be 
notified if your> > dues are about to expire and will be unceremoniously 
kicked> > off if your dues are not renewed.> > > > > > > > In other words, “No 
TC for you!” (Seinfeld reference> > ).> > > > > > > > The member area is linked 
in from the main menu at> > www.cavetexas.org. Be sure to buy one or five ICS> 
> Registration Raffle tickets, while you're there!> > > > > > > > If we could 
get just 50% participation in the electronic> > version program, one would be 
hard-pressed to find any red> > ink in next year's budget. The more the better, 
though.> > > > > > > > > > > > However, please do not share your password info 
with the> > unwashed TSA non-member! > > > > > > > > > > > > If they would like 
to receive the TC, encourage them to do> > the right and just thing by being a 
true American and> > joining the TSA!> > > > > > > > > > > > In closing, the 
Board and I implore, beseech, beg,> > encourage, and strongly suggest you sign 
up today!> > > > > > > > > > > > Put the word out to your Grotto and to other 
cavers! > > > > > > > > > > > > Help the TSA and help save a tree!> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > Thanks,> > > > > > > > Mark Alman and the TSA Board> > > > > 
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