What she said!

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On Jan 19, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Linda Palit <lkpa...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

At this point you can get hard copies of the Caver by mail or get internet copies instead by signing up. If you do not sign up, you will continue to get a hard copy. The internet site is not accessible except to members, in theory.

Funny how organizations don't do what you want or read your mind. Most of us cannot attend every TSA meeting, but attending when you can means you have a voice that matters and that influences the organization.

At some times TSA has a some difficulty finding Caver editors, finding people to run for office, and finding members to fill committee posts. But it is very easy to find members with opinions, and cavers who think it is all being done wrong.

TSA is a member organization, and business is carried out in meetings. Because members don't want to come to meetings, TSA is spending quite a bit of money yearly to hold elections by mail so members do not have to come to vote at TCR or at the meeting. I am not convinced that is money well spent. And I certainly do not think more business should be carried out by polling the membership in some way other than in a meeting.

TSA members have the right to participate, influence policy, and vote. All they need to do is come to the meetings. Or we can carry out long conversations about how things should be done by sending emails and hope the officers feel pressured to do what we want.

I am gratified to see people care about the TSA and about the Caver. But I am weary of this conversation, and suggest people attend the Spring TSA meeting in Kerrville to make their views heard.

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