

I'm pleased to announce that Dr. Derek Ford will be the Edwards Aquifer
Authority's 6th Distinguished Lecturer.  The lecture will be held from
9:00 AM to 4:30 PM on Friday, March 20, 2009 at Southwest Research
Institute in San Antonio, Texas. There is a $20 fee to attend the
lecture which includes lunch.  You must register to attend the lecture
as there is limited seating.  If you are interested in attending the
lecture, I would encourage you to register early as there is usually a
waiting list.  You may register by contacting Elida Bocanegra at <>  or
by calling 210-222-2204 and asking for Elida.


As many of you know, Dr. Ford is one of the best known specialists in
karst hydrology and geomorphology and director of the Castleguard Cave
Project in B.C., Canada.  Please note the material included below.
Also, the notice has been out for only three days and we already have
more than 40 people signed up.  If you wish to attend, I would recommend
that you sign up NOW.  Otherwise, you risk being assigned to the waiting


Geary M. Schindel, P.G.

Chief Technical Officer

Edwards Aquifer Authority

1615 N. St. Mary's Street

San Antonio, Texas 78215





Edwards Aquifer Authority


Distinguished Lecturer Series


The Scope of Karst Studies


Featuring: Dr. Derek Ford, Professor Emeritus,

McMaster University, Ontario, Canada




Dr. Ford will present a one-day workshop on the scope of karst studies,

geology to hydrology to global climate studies. He will also address
regional karst



Discussions will focus on:

* An overview of karst studies from around the world;

* Current understandings of speleogenesis with examples from Europe,

Canada, United States, and China;

* The application of speleothem studies - from cave and karst genesis

to global climate studies. (Speleothem studies complement and even

exceed ice core data as a paleo global climate record);

* Karst and the UNESCO World Heritage program to

recognize and protect some of the outstanding examples of karst

landscapes on the planet; and

* Regional studies in Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest

Territories, Canada, United States, and China.



Derek Ford obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Geography (minor in Geology)
at Oxford

University in 1958 and Doctor of Philosophy in 1963. Beginning in 1959,
he taught in

both subjects at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, where he now is
retired as

Emeritus Professor of Geography and Earth Sciences. His major research
interests include

speleogenesis, karst geomorphology and hydrogeology, protection and
management of karst

and cave resources, and Quaternary dating and paleo-environmental

using data from speleothems.


During Dr. Ford's career, he supervised 25 MSc and 24 PhD students to
completion and

worked with 23 post-doctoral fellows and foreign visiting scientists. He
has conducted or

directed field research in eight Canadian provinces and the NWT, nine US
states, Mexico,

Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Belize, Venezuela, Brazil, U.K., Norway,
France, Spain, Italy,

Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Ukraine,
Russia, Iran,

Turkey, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Australia, and New Zealand. He has
authored or

co-authored eight academic books, one coffee table book, 223 papers,
numerous book

chapters, consulting reports, and abstracts. He initiated and produced
one film for the

National Film Board of Canada and is an Honorary Life Member of the
National Speleological

Society. He has been an Honorary Life Member of NSS since 1975, was
President of the

International Speleological Union 1985-9, and is a Fellow of the Royal
Society of Canada.



Friday, March 20, 2009

Southwest Research Institute

San Antonio, Texas

The lecture will run from 9:00 a.m.

to 4:30 p.m.



$20 for the day; includes lunch and

supporting materials. Payable at

the door by cash or check.



Deadline is Tuesday, March 17, 2009.

For more details or to register, call

Elida Bocanegra at (210) 222-2204

or (800) 292-1047



Southwest Research Institute

South Texas Geological Society

Texas Water Development Board

UTSA - Center for Water Research

Texas Bureau of Economic Geology

Texas Groundwater Association

Edwards Aquifer Research

& Data Center

UT- Austin, Jackson School

of Geosciences

Texas Water Conservation


Sigma Xi - Alamo Chapter

River Systems Institute,

Texas State University

National Cave and Karst

Research Institute


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