Responsible fiscal spending seems to be the most important matter.
I believe the entire problem currently being experienced is based on the
simple fact that so many are living beyond their means.
Way too much money is being wasted, but you can't say it's wasted on
entertainment values (sports) -  I agree that it is an area that's gotten
way out of hand.  Too much money is going into the hands of too few
participants.  But many people are employed by the expenses of the
entertainment arena - but I would wager that the guy behind the $5 hot dog
is NOT making $1 for every dog he sells! (and I think that's very wrong).
When I hear people yammering about money spent on far-flung research I
cringe.  If we're not advancing science through finding better ways to blow
up people, places and things - we're not moving forward unless we're
spending billions on space travel, telescopes mega-colliders and medical
research!  That is as important as infrastructure maintenance.  And all
these items have trickle-down benefits to the everyday man and or woman. The
unconscionable  skimming  of megadollars by CEOs and their golden shower
parachutes - That Has To STOP.  That is a tax paid by the most productive
persons in organizations which brings the house down (as we've been seeing).
But above all, I feel like increasing our population is something more wrong
than anything else that we're doing.  To maintain our planet, our children's
children's children's  quality of life we - need to scale back the
population by 10% every decade.  (And NOT just the conscientious among us!
Call it "immoral" if you will, but what could be "moral" about writing debts
upon our planet that it can not pay!?)

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Fritz Holt <>wrote:

> David,
> I agree with you that the money spent on professional sports for the
> pleasure of man is crazy and wasteful. But hey, it's everyone's choice as to
> how they spend their money. But, only those who partake should bear the cost
> of stadiums and all of the related costs, not taxpayers. If this could
> happen, sports would play a much less important role in all of our lives.
> Just the opinion of a geezer. Bah! Humbug!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 9:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: [ot_caving] politics and more personal opinions
> The present economic situation is partly due to the high cost of
> living versus the
> income most people are making.      Look at how many Americans are
> making $ 9 per hour and raising a family.     They can't spend money to
> help the wheels of our economy turn.
> It seems like one solution to some of our problems may be to put a
> moratorium
> on certain things that are having a negative impact on the economy.
> For example, we could put a moratorium on aggressive revenue collecting
> by municipalities that are raising money to build new sports stadiums.
> We could put a 1 year moratorium on the arrest of individuals caught with
> a small amount of marijuana, or the arrest of a prostitute, or other
> selected
> misdemeanors.
> We might need to temporarily eliminate the sales tax on certain things
> in certain
> states.      Maybe on sub-compact cars.
> We might need to encourage people to eat out, maybe by putting a moratorium
> on dinner taxes, or free downtown parking.
> We need to find a way to encourage tourism, yet the high cost of travel is
> interrupting that, and then you have the tourist who say, "hey I like it
> here
> in the U.S. - I think I will stay."     So tourism is kind of a double
> edge sword.
> We need to outsource our CEO's.      Let's use cheapy CEO's from Darfur to
> run GM, Ford, and Chevrolet.     I bet they would gladly do the job
> for $ 20 bucks
> per day.
> Instead of having the Superbowl every year, we should have it every four
> years
> like the Olympics.    The money that people throw away on the Superbowl
> could
> be used to manufacture some product that we need like hybrid car batteries.
> Wouldn't it be really stupid if we held the Olympics every year?
> What a waste
> of resources that would be?
> NASA and other space agencies are simply going to have to start
> turning a profit,
> or the plug is going to have to be pulled on them.      I would love
> to see us send
> a man or woman or chimp to Jupiter, but why not make a profit while doing
> it.
> It seems we need to address the tollway system and make it more
> efficient.   Under
> its current operation, it is wasteful and the money does not get
> properly used.   Sure
> it makes sense for the user to pay the primary cost of the road, but
> at the same time,
> isn't it wasteful to have so many dead end jobs were people stand
> around all day
> providing little productivity to our economy.
> The scarey thing is there really are no solutions that are going to
> make everybody
> happy.    Our population has grown to much in certain areas that the
> area can no longer
> support that population.      In centuries past, they just hopped on a
> boat and came
> to the western hemisphere.     I am afraid this time, our only hope is
> to send them
> off-world.
> Our obsession with sports is going to be part of our downfall, and it is
> coming.
> David Locklear
> opinionated person with too much time on his hands
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