This story may be of interest to cavers who frequent National Forest.,2933,459225,00.html

The article indicates that fewer people are camping overnight when
visiting the parks.

I love camping.      But most of my camping gear has been boxed up and
stored in the
garage for several years.     I haven't used my North Face tent since
the Alabama NSS
Convention, 3 years ago.

I think like thousands ( or possibly millions ) of other Americans, we
bought a house
slightly above our means, and are living a lifestyle way above our
means.      That certainly
has something to do with the decrease in road-trips.

Another factor, at least for us, is we joined the extra-urban
lifestyle, meaning we
are beyond the suburbs and have to commute sometimes an hour to places we
need to go to.   ( How much sense does that make ? )

For us, the traffic is so bad heading out of town, that it is
discouraging to try to
go anywhere on a Friday evening.        We live in Fort Bend County,
so we would have
to cross the heavy traffic of 2 metropolitan counties in order to get
road bound towards
the National Forest of east Texas.      And once there, we would find
little scenery - only
muggy weather and mosquitos.     There used to be a small swimming
hole at Ratcliff

I haven't been there in 30 years or more, and it is the only place I
can think of that I
would want to go to in that neck of the woods.       I just can't
imagine suffering in the
car for 5 hours with my family just to go to camping there.       It
would be much easier
for me to hike about a mile behind my house and set up a tent in the
woods there, but
after 5 years of living here, I haven't even tried that.

It is my opinion, that once the enormous plasma TV's become mainstream and more
and more movies and games are created, that people are going to become even more
home-bodies.      At present, it would probably take a person a
lifetime to watch the current selection
of DVD's that are available - for example, every episode of "The
Little Rascals."

And kids today seem to watch the same episode over and over and over again like
a bunch of zombies.

David Locklear

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