forwarded from: Johanna Kovarik <>

Hey Everyone;

Forwardthis to anyone you think might be interested - I'm advertising for 
2Geocorps interns to come up to the Tongass for 12 weeks during thesummer of 
2009 (May - August) and help with reorganizing our cave data- basically, we 
need two individuals to hike around in the woods andrelocate old caves and 
document them, and to locate new caves and helpmap them.  Part of that will 
involve updating our master cave inventorylayer in ArcGIS and entering cave 
survey data to help develop an"underground watershed" layer to be utilized in 
the future as we beefup our resource inventories, including hopefully a 
biological inventoryin the near future.

It would be great tohave individuals that are already cavers, and are already 
familliarwith cave mapping and inventory - but this is an internship and not 
apaid position!  The geocorps interns will each receive a $2750 stipendfor the 
summer and free housing.   While out in the field, they willreceive free food 
(and what caver can't turn down free food?).  Theymust be prepaired for hard 
core hiking through rough terrain, thickvegetation, and can't be bothered by 

If you know of any interested individuals, encourage them to apply at the GSA 
webapge:  and 
feel free to send them my email if they have any questions.
There are also a few other cave and karst related positions up forgrabs, one of 
them working with Ben and Joel down at SEKI, and one atMammoth!

The positions up in Alaska are officially called "Cave Resource Technicians", 
Tongass National Forest.

Thanks!  Hope you all are doing well!



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