From: Jacquetta Breedlove [mailto:bl...@vownet.net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 9:21 AM
To: ;
Subject: Call President Bush - URGENT

I have received from different sources pleas to sign a petition to be sent to 
President Bush asking him to pardon former Border Patrol Agents Ramos and 
Compean who received long sentences for merely doing their jobs.  I have been 
told by people on the staff of politicians that they give almost zero 
credibility to those type of petitions, no matter how well intended they may be.

HOWEVER, there IS something you can do to help these two men and it only takes 
a minute and very little effort.

Call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111 and leave a message urging 
President Bush to do the RIGHT THING and pardon or at least commute the 
sentence of these men who should never have been charged to begin with.

Please pass this on to others who you think might be willing to make that phone 
call.  We need to inundate the White House with calls and we need to do it 
quickly as time is short.


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