Apply for the Last Free Registrations at the International Congress of
Speleology offered by TCMA

TCMA invites you to apply for one of two paid registrations for the
International Congress of Speleology (ICS) in Kerrville July 19-26, 2009.
More information about ICS may be found at  <>  

We will announce the awards in early January, and look forward to awarding
these paid registrations to two of our TCMA members.

This award includes registration, but not camping, food, transportation, or
any extra expenses.

If you are interested in one of these paid registration slots to attend the
International Congress please submit to the TCMA board a letter requesting
consideration in the award of a registration. Please include the following


*         your desire to participate in the ICS, 

*         if you plan to present a paper or poster 

*         listing of programs, field trips and sessions you plan to attend,

*         your level of interest in international caving,

*         your membership status in TCMA,

*         and, how free registration will benefit you.


Please submit to  <> by email
or 4019 Ramsgate, SA,TX 78230 by snail mail no later than December 30th,

The TCMA is excited to be a supporter of ICS and pleased to be able to
sponsor two TCMA members at the Congress. 



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