As result of my brief mention on this forum of the Texas Natural Areas Survey 
in the 1970’s, I have received a gratifying number of personal emails.  Thank 
you all.  An excellent overview of most of the study areas, in the form of a 
very nice coffee-table book is Forgotten Texas: A Wilderness Portfolio, 
photographs by Reagan Bradshaw, text by Griffin Smith, Jr., 1983, Texas Monthly 
Press.  It summarizes most of the study areas quite beautifully and shows their 
locations on a map of Texas.  That book is one of the products of the NAS that 
helped shape (and is still helping shape) public and legislative opinion in 
favor of the acquisition and preservation of some very special Texas places.  
That included at least one very significant karst feature:  Devil’s Sinkhole.
Curiously, not all our study areas are included – Enchanted Rock is one of 
those omitted.  At any rate, check out a copy and I think you will be impressed 
not only with the beauty described therein but with the scope of the NAS 
I take credit only for managing, coordinating, and assuring logistical support 
for the scientific field studies that provided the technical basis for the 
rest.  MANY others devoted countless hours and personal expense to the 
political and acquisition parts of the process.

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