
(My apologies if you receive this message more than once.)

We are all feeling the pinch of high food, gas, and other costs at the present 
time, but if you happen to have a few extra dollars that you might be willing 
to part with for worthy causes, I would like to call your attention to two new 
NSS funds which have just been added to the NSS website's donation page, if you 
are so inclined to contribute.

1.    The first is the fund for the Junior Speleological Society, which 
provides a comprehensive program of courses, training, and activities for youth 
at NSS Conventions.  The JSS teaches and encourages those who we hope will be 
some of the cavers and speleologists of tomorrow.  Longtime and dedicated 
Co-Chairs Rick and Faye Bowersox will be stepping down after next year's 
International Congress, and much of the vertical and other equipment that the 
JSS has been using over the years is the Bowersoxes' personal property which 
they have generously lent for use.  It is anticipated that funds will be needed 
to replace much of this equipment.

At the instigation of John Fox, Craig Hindman, and others, the Virginia Region 
passed a motion at last fall's meeting to generously contribute annually to the 
JSS.  This thoughtful VAR donation will go a long way toward supporting JSS 
programs.  I believe the New River Valley Grotto and perhaps other 
organizations have also recently made contributions, and these are much 
appreciated.  However, for those who have children of their own, or who might 
want to support the next generation of cavers, this is a fund to which you 
might wish to consider making a donation.

2.    The second addition to the donation page is the White Nose Syndrome Rapid 
Response Fund, a new fund just created by the NSS Board at this summer's 
meeting.  As all undoubtedly know by now, WNS is a serious situation under 
intensive study by scientists.  Often, there are long administrative delays in 
dispensing grants for research, and this new NSS fund is intended to provide 
more timely funding for research into WNS.  (The motion provides details which 
will be posted in the summer meeting minutes, currently being written and which 
will be placed on the NSS website in the near future.)  For those cavers who 
have a particular interest in helping to further the study of this syndrome, 
you might wish to consider directing your dollars here. 

The NSS donations page can be accessed at, and by then clicking 
on "donate."  There are many other funds which are worthy of your donations, 
but I just wanted to make NSS members aware of these new funds.

Thank you to all who have generously contributed to the NSS and its funds in 
the past, and thank you in advance for your future contributions.  Your 
donations are much, much appreciated!

Linda Baker Devine
NSS Board of Governors

(Permission very gladly given to repost on other caver listservs.)

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