-----Original Message-----
From: nmcaver-boun...@caver.net [mailto:nmcaver-boun...@caver.net] On Behalf
Of John Corcoran
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 2:23 AM
To: 'Lee H. Skinner'; 'nmcaver list'
Subject: Re: [NMCAVER] Cave and Karst bill clears Senate committee

Thanks Lee,

I have always wondered how NCKRI could succeed with the 50% cap imposed by
its founding legislation.




The cap was administratively necessary when NCKRI was first created and was
an institute within the National Park Service. Now that NCKRI is a
non-profit, albeit a hybrid non-profit since we still have our federal
mandates, obligations, and funding, the matching funds clause in our
enabling legislation is significantly restricting our ability to partner,
conduct projects, and grow to better study karst and develop means to better
protect and manage it. I'm confident that NCKRI will succeed if this bill
doesn't pass, but more slowly and in a far smaller way.

I encourage anyone interested in supporting cave and karst research,
education, and stewardship to contact their senators and representatives in
Congress to support Senate Bill 3096. It will likely be included in an
omnibus package with other bills and presented later this month or early
next month. I don't have the details on the package yet, but below are some
details on the issues.

Feel free to distribute this message to anyone you think may be interested.



George Veni, Ph.D.
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
1400 Commerce Dr.
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220  USA
001-575-887-5517 (office)
001-210-863-5919 (mobile)
001-413-383-2276 (fax)

Caves and karst are a hidden, little known, yet vital underground resource
that directly impact over 25% of the United States. The National Cave and
Karst Research Institute (NCKRI) was created by the U.S. Congress in 1998 to
support and conduct research, education, and sound management of these areas
directly and through partnerships with other entities. One group of crucial
partners are federal agencies and federally-funded organizations which hold
properties that contain many of the country's and world's most significant
caves and karst areas. Unfortunately, the legislation that created NCKRI had
the unexpected effect of severely limiting NCKRI's ability to establish
those crucial partnerships and passage of S.3096 is crucial for NCKRI to
more effectively fulfill its mandates.

Section 5(a) of the National Cave and Karst Research Institute Act of 1998
requires NCKRI to receive matching non-federal funds for the federal funding
it is allocated. While the intent of this requirement seems clear, the
reality is that NCKRI is either unable to work with federal or
federally-funded agencies, or can do so under conditions that can seldom be
achieved. The two fundamental problems are that in many cases:

1)      Non-federal matches may not exist for the specific needs, or cannot
be effectively located without disproportionate expenditure of NCKRI

2)      There is often insufficient time to locate non-federal funds.

In the case of grants, such as from the National Science Foundation,
potential non-federal sponsors do not want to commit funds for protracted
grant review periods without a clear end date (since many grants are not
accepted in the first round of review but years later in future rounds) or
reasonable degree of certainty that the federal funds will be approved.

During the past year, I have met with staff from the Bureau of Land
Management, Department of Defense, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Forest Service, and Geological Survey. They were all supportive of NCKRI and
interested in partnering, but put-off by the matching funds requirement. 

In 1998, Congress took an unprecedented step in recognizing the importance
of cave and karst resources by creating NCKRI. Approval of S.3096 will
remove a well-intentioned but flawed clause that severely limits NCKRI's
ability to effectively fulfill the purposes Congress intended.

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