The only LOSERS in the blame game, are the ones that don't do anything to
effect change.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 9:53 PM, David <> wrote:

> I see people and cavers are finally talking about the economy.
> I don't see any political candidate talking about anything specific
> or detailed issue.
> I don't see either candidate, especially their vice presidents as
> being good president's, nor being able to turn the financial situation
> around in 4 or 8 years.
> I think people are not looking at the big picture and trying to only blame
> the bad loans for the crisis.       The loans went bad because the
> borrowers failed to plan for the potential of inflation, the rising
> cost of living etc.
> But the rising cost of living is due to dozens of factors.
> I believe Alan Greenspan purposely lied to everybody the entire
> time he was in office.      He knew what was really going on in
> the world, but it would have wrecked havoc had he told everybody
> about it.
> I believe the Baby Boomer Generation is partly to blame.    As far back
> as the early 60's they were already setting the forces into motion.
> Too many people in our economy are generating money without
> actually creating anything.      Baseball players, sports announcers,
> racecar drivers, tele-evangelist, crack dealers, prostitutes, bank
> robbers, tow-truck drivers, lawyers, doctors, politicians, judges,
> and even good minded non-profit workers, and the list goes on.
> Our economy is interwoven with all of these careers.
> Many americans like myself, have never purchased anything in
> their life that was ever made in the U.S.A.      All of my disposable
> income, goes to Chinese made LED lights and foreign made
> gas-sipping cars.      I am to blame.
> Bill Gates is to blame.     He has put a stranglehold on the
> computer industry with his methodology.       How can an old
> version of Windows in a box sell for $ 299.      When a new
> version of Linux is practically free?
> Globalization and the war on Globalization has been a negative
> effect on the U.S. Economy.      How can a factory worker
> in the U.S. working under OSHA and EPA, and paying for
> health care, compete with a sandal wearing rice-farmer working
> in a factory in Yong-Bong-Doh?
> The relentless controversery over abortion is holding America
> back like a ball and chain.      This is a very inefficient use
> of our money.
> The Big 3 are to blame.     30 years of producing crappy
> cars and finally the big gas guzzling SUV's.      That drove
> at least one nail into our coffins if not 2 or 3.
> The media portrayal of George Bush.       I heard a person who is unknown (
> at least to
> me ) pretending to be a celebrity on the Dave Letterman show,
> this week call Bush a "Jackass," or something to that effect.        The
> media
> has never assaulted a president's moral like they have with Bush.      This
> doesn't help our situation.
> George Bush.      He has had a rough presidency.      You can't blame
> him for 911, or Katrina, or Hurricane Ike.         However, he doesn't seem
> very presidential now, does he?       But I think we can blame him for
> not coming out on day one of the war in Iraq, and telling us that this
> would cost us billions of dollars, and the loss of 5,000 young americans.
> I think if he did, we would have impeached him then just for suggesting
> the crazy idea.
> Harley-Davidson is to blame.      They have been building expensive,
> crappy, noisy, gas guzzling death machines for years, so serious
> bikers have
> had to turn to Suzuki to get a real road machine - The Suzuki Bergman 650,
> or to even BMW.
> Bill Clinton is too blame.       Instead of focusing his attention on
> helping
> americans, he was sliding his penis in and out of the mouth a young intern.
> The terrorist are to blame.      They are clearly costing lots of money to
> spy on them, and kill them.
> Ronald Reagan is to blame.      He told Gorbachev to tear down the wall.
> Now all of America wants to spend billions of dollars building our own
> wall.
> Can't our leaders see that these kind of events are like dominoes in a
> domino chain?
> The relationship with industry and unions is to blame.      This constant
> battle just wrecks havoc on our economy.      A person with no skills
> on an assembly line does not need to be making $ 30 an hour, nor do
> the bosses need to be treating them like slaves.
> The high CEO' packages.       This has clearly been a major factor
> in he destruction of the free-market economy, which will soon be considered
> a theory that didn't work very well.     At least one nail in our coffin.
> There are dozens if not hundreds of other factors.
> I would like to add that my grandparents when they were living in their
> house
> in the 70's, had no air-conditioning in the heat of Dallas.      They never
> envisioned
> a cell phone, or a fax machine or the internet.          How much does the
> average
> american spend per month on cell phone expenses ( not just the bill ), the
> internet,
> their graphic intense computer, their Nike air shoes, their foreign made
> foreign made car parts for their car, etc.?
> I think many people are going to have to soon suffer the lifestyle that my
> grandparents
> seemed to think was perfectly fine.
> I am certain of one thing.     Hear me out.
> Domestic car dealers are going to have a serious problem unloading 2009 and
> 2010 models.
> That part of this crisis is going to be a huge disaster.
> David Locklear

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