I have long been an Apple fan primarily because I do a lot of graphics. The 
Apple graphics programs are not really all that good, but the Mac versions of 
Adobe tops them all. The only problem is that the software is very expensive 
for Macs. I wish they'd bring it closer to the cost for PCs. I guess the secret 
is volume.
I, however, have needed to learn both systems since the government uses PCs and 
just this week we had Microsoft Office 2007 pushed out to us from our Denver 
center. It'll take some getting used to, but ever since PCs and Microsoft 
adopted the Mac way of using desktop icons and naming docs, they've gotten 
easier to use.> Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 21:28:39 -0600> From: 
dlocklea...@gmail.com> To: o...@texascavers.com> Subject: [ot_caving] computer 
news - Windows 3.1> > Did anybody notice this week that MicroSoft has finally> 
buried Windows 3.1, and put it in its grave?> > I would like to give sort of an 
eulogy.> > In 1977, my mother re-married and to a man who> worked for a 
computer company that had main-frame> computers. He tried to show me computers, 
but> I was intimidated by them, and didn't see much use> for them except 
playing a very fun strategy game with X's and O's> called "Star Wars."> > When 
I got into college in the early 80's, I found> computers to be very 
frustrating, and boring. When> I first saw the tiny little Apple, I realized 
with fear, that> I was going to have to learn computers.> > I became pretty 
good on that little Apple thing, and felt> I knew enough about them to do what 
was needed at> the time which was preparing reports with cute little> graphic 
charts. My professors seemed impressed,> as the other students seemed to be 
still using typewriters.> > The first time I saw Windows 3.1, I said to 
myself.> "This sucks." The crashing and losing of data, made> me scream. But 
the college ditched Apple and filled> up all the labs with the crappiest 
computers on earth.> All of the engineering students seemed glad, but they> had 
never learned on Apple computers. To them> Windows seemed user friendly.> > 
Unfortunately, I never really had an opportunity to use> Apple computers 
again.> > I finally learned with Windows 3.1 to save your file every> 5 
minutes, and to always keep backups on floppy disk.> And it has been that way 
for almost 15 years, except> I have been told, for the people who stuck with 
Macs.> > I guess in 5 years or less, Microsoft will bury Windows 95,> and later 
the Windows 98, etc. I guess there is no reason> to release discount nostalgic 
versions. Would you pay> lots of money for Windows 3.1 if it came in a walnut 
box> with gold trim?> > David Locklear> > > Permission to repost> > 
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