The info below is on s short fuse. Another last minute push from the top it 
looks like.
In response to NPCA's recent legal victory challenging the Winter Use plan for 
Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, the Park Service is developing a 
temporary plan for this winter. Despite the legal ruling, NPS is still 
proposing more snowmobiles each day than the daily average of the past five 
winters, and it wants the 'temporary' plan to be in place for up to three years 
in Yellowstone and to be permanent in Grand Teton. Worse yet, they've only 
provided 10 days to comment!!!

Despite continued public outcry and court intervention they still continue to 
press the issue. Urge the Park Service to heed its own science, the will of the 
people and the courts and help put a stop to snowmobiles in Yellowstone and 
Grand Teton National Parks.

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