That publication from Berlin is not really a survey of the caves of Iraq, but just an expedition report on a Kurdish-German caving project in part of the Kurdish area in northeastern Iraq in 2007 (the only part of the country where it might be sensible to go caving these days). It is volume 26 of the Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte. It is, like all the series, in English. This one has abstracts in French, German, and what I assume are both Arabic and Kurdish.

That series of bulletins has a lot of interesting stuff, including three volumes that are the best available survey of the caves and karst of Africa. Other volumes cover caving expeditions to unusual places. Some of the volumes are spectacularly wonkish, such as one about the caves of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. The longest known cave there is 305 meters long, and the deepest is 86 meters deep. Nevertheless, the author has found, mostly by literature searches, material on 147 things of speleological interest (including some man-made caves). Even the bibliography is heavily annotated, and the whole thing contains 512 footnotes. See -- Mixon
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