Webwasher has a strange way of classifying things. I was trying to look on line 
a couple of years ago at a cemetery site and it wouldn't let me because it 
classified it as a "dating" site. Now that's BIZARRE! It fairly boggles the 
I'm not sure what kind of word samples it looks at to make these decisions. I 
tried to look at the local NPR station a couple of months ago and it wouldn't 
let me because it was a "GSTREAMING" site. But it will let me look a the site 
for the local rightwing radio station (think Rush, etc).
No accounting for it's choices seems to pull them out of it's electronic...

From: mminton@nmhu.eduTo: texascavers@texascavers.comDate: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 
16:06:03 -0400Subject: [Texascavers] RE: video clip

>Since my work computer won't let me bring this up (Webwasher says its "r 
>rated), I can't take a look at it here, so tell me, are you sure it's a 
>creature camouflaged as a rock or is it "The Horta" from the old Star Trek 
      I can't imagine why that video got an R rating.  Anyway, the creature 
seemed to be the rock itself, unlike the horta which merely moved through rock 
at a rapid clip.
>Is this one of those clay model animations? 
>The accompanying music was a little strange.
      The main character did look like claymation.  Think Wallace and Grommit 
but much more crude.  <http://www.wallaceandgromit.com/>  I think the music was 
played backwards.
Mark Minton

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